English Essay Writing Tips to Help International Students Score High

Posted by Sophia Smith
Jan 30, 2017

In higher education, it is necessary to express his or her ideas in an organized manner according to education conventions. This is where international students struggle the most. As they are new to the education system, they need to time to understand the infrastructure and the act accordingly to fulfill the academic requirements. This English essay writing help guide includes proven suggestions to master academic writing. The readers will have the opportunity to learn how to develop the ideas and express their thoughts in foreign language like English.

Professors want to check the understanding:

There are a few parameters on which evaluates assess an academic paper. Understanding of the topic is one of them. Professors see that you have understood the subject properly and you have the knowledge to solve the assignment problem in the light of existing references. Secondly, professors assess whether you have structured the ideas clearly and logically. The paper is also assessed whether it carries relevant evidence to the presented ideas. Many students avail essay paper help in order to fulfill all assignment related requirements.

Key stages of crafting an essay:

Most of the students straight jump into the writing part after completing the research. Ideally, students have to complete a few steps in order to put up a good quality essay. Here is the list of stages that the writer undergoes while writing essays,

·         Analyses the task

·         Research on topic to know about the topic if it is unknown to you

·         Make a plan to complete the task

·         Conduct in-depth research and take notes

·         Create a structure of ideas

·         Write the first draft

·         Revise the first and finalize

·         Edit and proofread the final copy

These stages lead students to craft a good quality well-structured essay in the end. In case, students do not have time for completing all these steps, students can take urgent essay help services.

The ideal structure of the essay:

Every student knows academic assignments start with an introduction and end with a conclusion. But most of the students do not know what makes a good introduction or even conclusion. So here is an ideal essay structure for students,


·         Introduce the idea

·         Provide background information

·         Limit the scope of discussion

·         Define topic/question

·         Present the plan how the writer is planning to prove the points

Main Body:

·         Topic sentence

·         Evidence

·         Conclusion

·         Transition phrase


·         Summary of the argument

·         Wider implications of the subject

Many students struggle to write the introductory paragraph, they delay the task as much as they can. But when the deadline nears, they need to accomplish the task. In this case, fast essay writing services can be helpful.

Use transitioning words:

Students should maintain coherence not only between the paragraphs, but also the sentences. In order to do so, the writers need to place signal words between sentences. It helps readers to make the transition from one idea to another. Here is a list of transitioning words that students can use,

·         First of all

·         Therefore

·         Secondly

·         On the other hand

·         Furthermore

 These are only a few of popular ones that students commonly use.

Students need to remember valuable suggestions while writing any type of essay.

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