EMR Making Record Keeping Easy

Posted by Jayden Smith
Apr 23, 2019

EMR or electronic medical record systems is the maintenance of electronic records of an individual that is gathered, created, managed, and consulted by the staff and authorized clinicians within a health care organization.The maintenance of such electronic records helps to improve patient care by making patient records available at the click of a button instead of wading through copious notes.  EMR transcription uses software that ensures the safety and privacy of patient healthcare information. The introduction of EMR has also helped to reduce paper usage in a medical setting.


Information Available at a Moment’s Notice with EMR


EMR transcription helps improve patient outcomes since information to previously done tests and investigations is easily available.  This information is useful in improving diagnosis and reduces diagnosis errors.  All the current and previous information from laboratory tests, information about allergies, and any other health related information is collated at a single point.  This enables doctors to make proper decisions based on evidence.  Entering information into the EMR system is time consuming and therefore using the services of EMR transcription companies saves valuable time and helps them to serve more patients.


Advantages of Using EMR


The doctors are required to fill in patient information directly into the system after each patient visit. This can slow down their ability to see patients and affect their revenue too.  EMR software is not very user friendly which is one of the reasons doctors still seek the help of medical transcriptionists.  Adopting the EMR system involves high capital investment and due to the many glitches the doctors do not feel they are getting sufficient returns on their investment.EMR and medical transcription go hand in hand as transcription companies can insert the dictated information into the EMR system.  There is greater accuracy as most transcription companies have multiple levels of proofing.


Pros Of Interfacing EMR With Medical Transcription


The EMR system’s ability to integrate with other EMR systems is also limited which makes it necessary for doctors and staff to enter data manually.  It is also impossible to garner information about visits of the patient to other hospitals or clinics, thus limiting the ability to get a complete picture of the medical history of the patient.  The interfacing of medical transcription with EMR helps to tackle physician frustrations and frees them up to do what they are best at. - caring for patients.


EMR and medically transcription go hand in hand as EMR by itself has not really been able to meet all the expectations of the doctor besides being expensive and not really user friendly.

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