Easy Steps to Restore Antique Furniture To Increase Its Value

Sep 8, 2022

Antique furniture is delicate in its engineering. Thus, when they are sent for restoration aggressive means like stripping can’t be used. There are other ways to restore furniture that doesn’t involve stripping.

We all have one of those antique furniture that is either inherited as a family heirloom or bought from a garage sale with the intention of revamping it. But this antique furniture ends up in the same pit of the storeroom as the other discarded or unused furniture. This is how when antique furniture is tucked away for a long time, it sustains some damage that affects the quality of the furniture. It also lowers the value of the furniture. This is why, when you take out these antique furniture from the store room to either use it or sell it, you will see it is no longer in its pristine condition. Thereby, restoration of antique furniture becomes quite important to return it to its original condition. There are several furniture restoration houses in Hobart that restore furniture without hurting its integrity. Let’s look at the steps such furniture restoration house in Hobart follows to restore antiquity without hurting the structure.

Alternative Method To Restore Furniture That Doesn’t Involve Stripping:

With technological advancement, the style of engineering to construct or polish a piece of furniture has changed significantly. Thus, you can’t apply modern methods to restore a piece of antique furniture. Stripping is a popular way to renew the look and finish or hide away superficial damages on the furniture. But it is not the best solution for antique furniture. If a furniture restoration house in Hobart ditches stripping to restore period pieces, what are some other ways to restore them? There are other processes as well, like:

  • Furniture Cleaning

  • Sealing The Damage

  • Abrading the Piece

  • Sealing The Damage Using Wax

Furniture Cleaning:

When a piece of antique furniture has not been used for a long time, a lot of dust can settle over the furniture in question. Thus, a furniture restoration house in Hobart will always clean the antique furniture with a professional-grade cleaning solution to thoroughly clean the furniture and inspect traces of damage.

Sealing The Damage:

If there are dents and scratches, or even small spots where the finish is missing, a furniture restoration house in Hobart can seal the damage rather than remove the piece entirely. Applying a light coat of shellac to the damaged areas before cleaning will help prevent any further damage.

Abrading the Piece:

The finish may appear hazy even after cleaning and sealing the piece. Small gaps and cracks in the finish frequently cause this, reflecting light and exhibiting a muddled appearance. Abrading just the repair cracks that do not extend to the wood. Sanding in straight lines with sandpaper and wiping away the residue constantly will help get a cleaner finish. As the furniture restoration house doesn't want to completely remove the finish, and keep it just constricted to the damage; thus, it is important to keep your pressure light to sand away the cracks from sealing.

Sealing The Damage Using Wax:

With the help of a similar shade of wax, the antique furniture must be coated. In a buffing motion then the applied coat is gently buffed out. A furniture restoration house in Hobart often uses a brush to cover the corners that can not be reached easily. Usually, two coats are applied by the restoration expert in Hobart to get a complete result.

Through this manner, the antique furniture is restored back to its original or close to original condition. Thus, furniture restoration firms in Hobart can easily conduct restoration jobs without considering stripping away the old polish entirely. This way the value of the antique furniture is not lost or reduced rather it is increased.

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