Do You Have Free Services Owned?

Posted by Morish B.
Jul 30, 2016
Image Free services help people and loved by many, like free classified website or forums such as money making and classified.

Lots of free services there, and these are worthy. Specially free classified websites. Forum is best when you need some guide on topics, where you can ask and submit your answers. W/H questions are not answered by everyone and question remain unanswered.

Classified and money discussion forum: 
Is it only for local or topic.

Your best money making idea

Send your:
If you own/mange websites send it.
For classified website or money discussion board send them to and it will be listed after verification by activity. No guarantee to list them all, list could be found if added on gopickhost facebook/twitter/google+ pages. No promotion(no new/empty sites)

Mention these
If it's local based and topic.
Suppose you have classified for USA people . Mention it Classified-USA-(topic if any).
same for money discussion board Board-USA/worldwide-bitcoin.

Put these in the subject field and top of message body. See example bellow:

Subject: Classified-USA-Pet
Message BodyClassified-USA-Pet
This is my owned(our managed) classified website which is only available in USA and we/I only allow pet related classified advertisements for cloths, cure, care......

Our/My website is:
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