Do We Still Need the E3?

Posted by Alexa Is
Aug 4, 2020

The subject of discontinuing the E3 is sure to make most gamers sad. The excitement of that one intense month of gaming updates is unparalleled. However, statistics have shown that we don’t need conventional E3 anymore.

What Has Changed?

Since the onset of the pandemic, a lot has changed whether we like it or not. Several events have been canceled all around the world, and the gaming industry is no different. This is the very first time since 1995 that the traditional E3 took place non-conventionally. The gaming industry has relied on the E3 for the showcasing of all things new for over 25 years now. It does, however, seem like things need to change. This year has seen more spread out releases versus the conventional fight for the spotlight way of showcasing. It is also the closest that the industry has ever gotten to having an alternative for the E3.

2020 Is Doing Something Right

Whether it is the isolated launches or the larger online launch events that have been seen this year, the one thing that they all have in common is better coverage. All the launches this year have statistically gained much more coverage than the launches that were a part of the E3 last year. Hence there is no doubting the fact that the new ways of launching explored this year have proven to be quite successful.

Instead of looking at it as a pandemic stricken year where game launches are suffering due to the lack of E3, you can use a different perspective. It is a year where the industry continues to move forward experimenting with alternatives that are proving to be even more fruitful.

The Summer Game Fest

This year has seen the introduction of a new way of bringing together the gaming community; the Summer Game Fest. In essence, it is an event that will highlight all the gaming updates and create an overall excitement for what’s to come. The question is, in spirit, what the E3 was also all about. However, this similarity is only confined to the spirit of it. The execution of the event, on the other hand, has received its fair share of criticism for being extremely scattered and confusing. What can you expect with most video gaming platforms and websites hosting their respective online events?

Coverage wise, this year has seen a win. However, the same can’t be said about the execution. It is the beginning of something new after all, it will take some time to get a grasp on the new way of doing things. Being fair, you can’t compare a first time execution to that of an event that has seen 25 years with the industry.

Charlie Wilson is a Norton expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Charlie has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as

Source: We Still Need the E3.


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