Do Smart & Responsible Content Marketing During COVID-19

Posted by Priyanka M.
Jun 25, 2020

Content is what defines most brands, especially in a digital world we’re in. For a time we’re all in; the Time of Covid-19, your content marketing as a brand really needs to hit it off with your target audience. If have already been giving the thought to this, I think you can relate with the following observations:

• Covid-19 outbreak has made several marketers rethink their marketing strategy

• Whatever can be digitized, is being digitized

• There is no normal we can go back to

History has proven: Less cuts during downtimes can gain you more during better times Think of Covid-19 just as another recession and remember, tough times do not mean, no audiences. Play smart right now and roll out good offers which your prospects can enjoy. Remember, you need to make them come back during good times too. Your marketing strategy during this pandemic is going to define your future business scenario. A study during a recent recession found that “successful leaders, trading lower short-term profitability for long-term gain, refocused rather than cut spending.

Content Marketing Ideas to Help Shape Your Business for the Future Content is a very powerful tool during tough times. As a brand, you need to showcase optimism, empathy and several other emotions while keeping your marketing strategies going. But, is that even possible?

Find out ways now:

@ Social Media Marketing: We’re all dealing with the same pandemic. Sharing stories and being open about your problems as a business really helps connect with audiences. Touch your prospects hearts and stay connected with them via several SMM channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and so many more! Recommended Content Marketing Strategy:

  • Do not get pushy 

• Talk about how your business is combatting

• Promotional offers always help

• Maintain empathy Take this marketing opportunity to unite together. Build a community and enjoy your social media presence.

@ Go digital, in case you haven’t realized: One of the only positive impacts driven by Covid-19 can be is the drastic improvement in digital networking. Several ongoing studies are showing that online engagements are more often experienced than ever. People can’t really go out, you know. As a brand, you need to be on their feed. This can happen only when you digitize and get found online! Recommended During Covid19 Content & Digital Marketing Strategy:

  1. Engaging UX design & web development
  2. SEO optimized content
  3. Regularly do Email Marketing & send monthly newsletter
  4. GMB Updation, Local SEO and more

With an online presence, you can reach out to any audience you wish to. Revenue generation can be assured with effective marketing strategies.

@ PPC Marketing is getting Affordable, Explore it: PPC Marketing is one of the smartest moves your company blends inbound marketing with. Adwords are getting cheaper irrespective of keywords. Businesses like yours can capture traffic, build branding, engage with audiences and use other data effectively during this time. Rethink your marketing budgets and get in touch with digital marketing agencies before this golden time runs out! In fact, you can give a shot to native advertising as well. It’s similar to PPC marketing (paid form) however, these advertisements adapt to the UI and UX of the website its advertisement is being published in. Recommended Content Marketing Strategy:

• Target a mixed range of easy to difficult keywords

• Create exciting copies, empathetic & eye catching

• Aesthetically pleasing posts for native advertising with regard to copy or any other aspect

@ Refine your brand’s content calendar: You may have planned your content strategy a month in advance. Please understand, we’re in a time of dynamism and we need to be flexible to survive. Revisit your content strategy and pay microscopic attention to it. Other than focussing on the language and tonality of the content, you can also change the frequency of posting and other aspects. Recommended Content Marketing Strategy:

• Try out different times of the day for content engagement

• Engage audiences via multi-channel marketing

• Keep rethinking what can work best for your brand

• Stay updated with the news; that changes the tonality as well

If you want to know more “Smart & Responsible Content Marketing Ideas During COVID-19”, visit source blog.


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