Do Not Get Scared of Neck Cancer Just Look For The Best Hospital in India

Posted by Shweta Singh
Nov 15, 2018
Head and neck cancer are now emerging as the most common cancer. This cancer starts in the organs and tissues of the neck and head. This includes cancers like throat cancer, mouth, nose, larynx, and salivary glands. Neck Cancer is common cancer in India where 30% of the cancer cases are of neck cancer. Earlier the treatment was possible only with the help of a stand-alone surgeon. With the revolution in medical science, Neck Cancer Treatment is possible with a multi-disciplinary approach. For this, you need to have a team of a specialist like cancer surgeon, reconstructive surgeon, a radiation oncologist, onco-anaesthetist, a medical oncologist, a speck and swallowing therapist, a dental surgeon, an occupational therapist and medical counsellor.

Earlier, the Neck Cancer Treatment was aimed for a cancer-free survival. Other elements like swallowing, speech, cosmesis, and pain relied on were considered secondary. Now with the medical revolution, there is a change in the treatment and the ultimate aim of the treatment is to improve the quality of life. The aim of best doctors is to provide an effective outcome that assures of normal taste, swallow, smell, speech, etc. This is possible as a multi-disciplinary team that works for the better treatment and increase the quality of treatment. So, when you have a reputed hospital, you get support from the good team that ultimately deliver the excellent service with advanced technology use. 

What are the warning signs of Neck Cancer?

When you suffer from Neck Cancer, you easily experience few signs like:

  • Foul breath and swelling of the throat
  • A persistent sore throat
  • Hoarseness voice changes
  • White or red patches, non-healthy oral ulcer
  • Persistent nasal obstruction or congestion

What factors increase the risk of Neck Cancer?

Alcohol: When alcohol is used frequently or heavy, there is a high risk of developing cancers in pharynx, mouth, oesophagus, and larynx. 

Human papilloma virus and Epstein barr virus also cause cancer

Tobacco: The main cause for the neck cancer is tobacco. This is harmful in all forms like cigars or pipes, cigarettes, chewing tobacco and using snuff. As per a study, over 85 percent of the neck cancer is due to the use of tobacco.

Once you experience any sign of Neck Cancer, do not get scared all you need is to find the best cancer hospital in India. For this, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre is the best available option in Delhi. The hospital has so far treated several patients and provided them with a healthy and normal life. The hospitals have a team of experts who provide complete Neck Cancer Treatment for all the stages of cancer. The hospital is best in all the facilities, modern medication, latest technology, and updated equipment use. The hospitals provide affordable and effective treatment to all its patients. As per the feedback from the patients so far, hospital have provided satisfactory results and helped patients to live a healthy and normal life once again. 

When it comes to Neck Cancer Treatment in Delhi, you need to opt for the multidisciplinary approach. For this, you need to have a team of specialists that are available at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute. When you opt for the surgery, they remove diseased tissue and get healthy margins so that it is safe. Once the tissues removed, they are sent to the Pathological evaluation that takes about 8-10 days and the real problem is diagnosed. In the radiation and chemotherapy, the doctor takes a call to perform the treatment with or without the chemotherapy. For this, you may require deep consultation with a radiation and medical oncologist.

Thus, when you notice any signs of Neck Cancer, it is best to stay calm and look for the best cancer hospitals in your area. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute has proved to be the best hospitals in India for various cancer treatments.

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