Divorcing a Disabled Spouse

Posted by eDigitalSEO Expert
Jun 15, 2024

Ideally no marriage would want to end up in a divorce; nonetheless, any divorce process is never smooth-sailing let alone when one of the parties is a disabled spouse. To address these circumstances, one has to be very usual and comprehend the various difficulties that clients record in their search for appropriate legal representation. Therefore, hiring a divorce attorney ensures that he or she understands and seeks to promote the respective rights and interests of both parties in Boca Raton. 

Here is useful information about steps involved in divorcing a disabled spouse and how a Boca Raton divorce lawyer can assist. 

Understanding the Challenges: 

There are several common issues which appear when one is divorcing a disabled spouse. For instance, financial issues, health related issues, and equitable support arrangements. The risk of divorce may be challenging for a disabled spouse as he or she may be financially dependent on the other spouse, need help with care, and require someone’s help with everyday tasks. 

Financial Support and Alimony: 

Thus, the main issue arising in the given situation is the financial circumstances imposed on the disabled spouse. Maintenance of a spouse, or a permanent alimony, is typically part of divorce proceedings in cases where one party is disabled. Under the Tiffany reform, the disabled spouse will be assessed based on factors such as whether he or she is able to work, health considerations, and other needs with regard to alimony. 

Thus, to guarantee the disabled spouse will receive ample support, a divorce attorney can prove invaluable. This may include bargaining for a higher amount of alimony or claiming maintenance for an extended period or special needs as far as the disability is concerned. It is important to note that it is the physical ability to be able to meet reasonable expenses after divorce that should be allowed by the law. 

Healthcare and Insurance: 

Another element is healthcare, let’s discuss it in more detail. There is always much focus on this group having multiple health complications, and access to proper care is critical at all times. Here, divorce can endanger the insurance issues, especially if the disabled partner reviewed the health insurance of the other partner. 

A divorce lawyer is also likely to help get provisions that guarantee the subject ongoing health insurance. They may have to discuss insurance benefits, negotiate for alimony that incorporates health care expenses in the payment structure or use an agreed upon trust to cater for future health care costs.

Custody and Caregiving: 

Child custody, if the couple was blessed or married with children, may become an issue of significant contention. It will be possible to determine physical custody and visitation rights depending on the capacity of the disabled spouse in delivering the children’s needs. Nevertheless, the decisions should be made with the necessary empathy and fairness concerning the possibility of the disabled spouse participating as a parent. 

A well experienced divorce lawyer can fight for appropriate child sharing schedules which will keep in mind the primary and right of the child while considering the most important aspect of the disabled parent. It may mean developing elaborate schedules that state parenting arrangements and logistics needed for the disabled spouse to be able to care for the children. 

Property Division: 

Alimony and spousal support is one more significant difficult issue, as well as the distribution of marital assets, particularly if the disabled spouse did not contribute to the overall marital finances and earnings. Florida has one of the most progressive approaches to divorce as most states, which is based on the ability to equitably distribute assets and debts. 

An experienced and skilled divorce lawyer should be able to guarantee that issues of property division take into consideration the disabled spouse’s vulnerability as well as their contribution to the marriage. This may require the suggestion of the allocation of a larger portion of marital property for purposes of meeting the needs of the ward in their old age. 

Emotional and Psychological Support: 

It is not simply a matter of PDF ‘getting a divorce and alimony , or custody,’ but also to face the psychological side of the question. Both the married partners may develop pressure, selfishness, and loss of sleep in view of the future. It is important to address these feelings of hopelessness in a healthy way with the help of professional help such as counselors and support groups or group homes or organizations. 


Taking a divorce no longer remains a personal decision because there are many things to consider while planning for a divorce; especially in case of a disabled spouse as concerns support, health and child custody. This thesis requires a very delicate tact in handling matters to make sure that both parties are well protected for their rights and needs. 

While in Boca Raton, seeking the services of a qualified Boca Raton divorce attorney is likely to impact the entire proceedings. They can help explain the laws that govern marriages and spoliation, as well as give emotional consolation, in order to come up with a solution that is favorable for everyone involved and ensure they let each other go with the much needed dignity and certainty.

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