Different Causes of Heel Pain & How to deal with them

Jul 22, 2020

The heel pain is caused by Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation, heel spur, and more. It is the most common problem found in adults and elderly people. It is very mild at the initial stage but becomes very severe later. 

If you are suffering from chronic heel pain then you should see the orthopedics or physiotherapist as soon as possible. Some heel care products such as Aircast Airheel Dns Care Kit, AiBast Adjustable Ankle Brace, Lumino Cielo Suede Gel Heel Pad, OUTERDO plantar fasciitis Night Splint Drop orthotic brace, etc are available in the market or heel pain relief.

Causes of Heel Pain -:

  • Plantar Fasciitis

It is one of the major causes of heel pain. The Plantar fascia is the largest ligament in the human body, which acts as a connector between the heel and front of the foot. Plantar Fasciitis occurs when this ligament experiences a lot of strain in everyday life. When the fiber of Plantar Fascia fiber tears are overstretched it results in unbearable pain and deformity. It is most commonly seen in sports persons and in those who wear uncomfortable shoes.

Growing age, certain types of exercises, obesity and certain types of foot stretching exercises are some of the factors that can increase the risk of developing this pain.

Doctors always ask you about medical history to diagnose Plantar Fascia. Avoiding re-injury is very important in such conditions because it can result in fractures and can also lead to hip and knee problems.

  • Tendonitis 

Tendon is the thick cord of fibrous connective tissues that attaches muscle to bones. When any irritation or inflammation occurs in tendons, it causes severe pain in the heel and this condition is known as Tendonitis. Tendons are not only present in feet, they also exist in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and knee. So, Tendonitis can take place around them also.

The tendons play a vital role during walking, jumping, and running. So, the problem of Tendonitis is usually found in athletes and can be very painful.

The Aircast Airheel Dns Care Kit, Plantar Fasciitis Relief & Recovery Kit, ProStretch Heel Pain Relief Kit, and some more kits are available online, which are the best solution for maintaining foot care for athletes.

Some safety measures you should take to safeguard you from this pain

. Do not do such exercises that tend to stretch on tendons too much.

. Choose shoes with adequate support.

. Maintain a healthy diet.

. Reduce your weight

  • Heel Spur

When excessive amounts of calcium deposits around the heel bone. Sometimes it does not cause any pain but on occasion can be very painful. It can be viewed with the X-rays.

Here are some symptoms of a heel spur

. Swelling and inflammation in the heel area.

. Heat radiation around the heel.

. A feeling of sharp knife-like pain in the morning

Here are some methods to treat heel spur-:

. Apply Ice packs on the heel

. Take magnesium sulfate salt bath

. Massage your heel gently with rosemary or lavender oil

. Consuming Apple cider vinegar is very beneficial in healing heel spur

If these home remedies do not work well then should concern your physician and take proper medication.

  • Arthritis 

Arthritis is another cause of heel pain. It changes the size and shape of the bone which causes pain. It makes the joint stiffer and reduces its flexibility. People suffering from arthritis experience inflammation and discomfort in the heel. Most elderly people, especially women, are vulnerable to the disease.

Here are some effective remedies for arthritis pain relief

. Heat and cold therapy

. Healthy diet

. Take massage from chiropractors

. Try Acupuncture treatment

. Take mild painkiller to ease pain


If you are suffering from heel soreness and agony and are experiencing any symptoms of any of the above diseases then you should not ignore them and stop heavy activities. You can start with some home remedies at an initial point but if they prove to be ineffective then you have to seek the help of a podiatrist.

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