Difference between Windows Smartphones and Android Smartphones

Posted by Prashob asdasd
Apr 19, 2013
Gone are those days when the humble mobile phone was merely a communication device. One of the most recurring queries on online forums is which is the most suitable Smartphone operating system, windows or an android. The wave of technology has touched all aspects of our world. Gadgets are getting more sophisticated. In this world of cut throat competition among brands to get the attention of the customers, companies come up with latest technologies in smart phones. Smartphone companies have come up with amazing applications, which would have been impossible even a few years back. A smartphone is a device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds in features that, in the past, you would have found only on a personal digital assistant or a computer--such as the ability to send and receive e-mail and edit Office documents, for example.

With the advent of modern technologies in mobile phones, all the major players in this field are trying to get the best possible operating system for the consumers. An Android phone is a smartphone running on Google's open-source Android operating system. Many different manufacturers make Android phones, including HTC, Motorola, and Samsung. Dozens and dozens of different Android phones are now available, and all of the major cellular carriers offer Android phones. The Android OS runs on all kinds of carrier forms varying in size and shape. The quality of performance varies from version to version and different in each device. The Android OS has the best compatibility on Google powered services. The interface of android phone varies with the device manufacturer. Some of the popular Android devices are the Google Nexus. The price of an Android powered phone varies according to the manufacturer and the hardware. Due to enhanced demand for Windows mobile phone, the windows mobile apps are highly admired amongst the developers. The companies that provide these kinds of apps for users are aimed to offer various latest technologies. In present time, people want rich innovative smart phones with various add-on features.

The Windows OS is manufactured by Microsoft and is available on any Smartphone indifferent of the size or shape. The features of the Windows OS are good enough. The compatibility is high on Microsoft supported Applications. The interface of the Windows OS is quite ordinary; however, in the higher range phones the users may find some edgy features. Most of the Nokia phones use this OS. Nokia Lumia is one of the big devices using Windows OS. Lots of other companies are also available in market that provides these mobile applications. These applications help people to be connected with each other in a natural way. It will give the user a different kind of feeling.

Monty Alexander is a well known author and has written articles on mobile phones and many other subjects.
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