Difference Between The Cut Vinyl Decals And Printed Vinyl Decals

Posted by Andrew Dennis
Nov 10, 2020

Printed vinyl and cut vinyl decal share their own features and differences, which speak about their acceptability in advertisements for different brands.

The vinyl decals are existing for a long time and it rules the physical advertisement industry. As vinyl has gained popularity in Camperdown, the marketers, designers, and developers have begun to prioritize their decorating purpose. But the fact that often creates confusion is the difference existing between the printed decals and cut decals. 

Both the printed and cut decals are the mediums for stunning decal production to be utilized for decorating purposes.  Nevertheless, a few differences exist between these two decals and these differences determine the type to be chosen for your advertisement-decorating project.

For the information of the users, it is worth mentioning that the printed and the vinyl cut decals are the two different methods to create a vinyl sticker, which offers different effects and varied uses. Let us consider the differences between them and check out how each has its own importance so that it becomes easy to decide which method will be right for the project.

The differences are our next discussion.

The Printed Vinyl

Installing the printed vinyl is much easier and it closely resembles what it is known as "peel and sticks" stickers. Basically, for the printed vinyl, it sounds like, different colored inks are used for printing a design on the white or clear vinyl - and it is owing to this fact that the printed vinyl produces multiple colored decals.  Printed wall decals are equally ideal for photographs, gradients and shading, illustrated artwork, and wherever the specific colors need maintenance.

     The vinyl printing services in Camperdown are necessary for the below-mentioned needs:

  • To match the two or more colors exactly, for instance, the brand colors matching      the  CMYK or Pantone references
  • To print multi-colored designs and logos
  • For photographic vinyl image creation


      The Cut Vinyl

Installing the cut vinyl involves some more patience and time, but once the cut vinyl is installed, then it will appear like it is hand-painted. But the cut vinyl decals lack in the background and the background as seen behind is the one that is installed onto it. The cut vinyl decals are finely die-cut from the pre-colored vinyl rolls that limit the color selection. The cut decals are compared to the cutting shapes from the construction paper.  Only one single color has to be selected for working with and only during the installation can the multiple colors be layered with. 


The cut vinyl decals serve their purpose for:

  • For the window displays and indoor wall logos which must appear as painted on
  • To print the outdoor signages for fading resistance and weather resistance till 10 years
  • Single color logos or designs

Your brand and its products are your selection. To advertise them clearly so as to create an impact on the people's minds, the well-designed decals need a finishing touch. The vinyl decals make the difference, whether in printed form or cut-and-arranged form, to cater to brand engagement.

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