Deck crew Structure On Board Merchant Vessels

Posted by Narcis Bacaintan
Jan 24, 2013
Life aboard of a vessel is quite distinctive from any other shore based careers or organization. Each crew member holds a specific grade and holds certain responsibilities in order to keep up the ship operations successful.
Mainly, the vessel’s crew has got two types of seafarers: officers and ratings. Both these crew members have the capacity to perform either on deck or in the engine room.
The Deck department the ship navigation, watch keeping, the maintenance of the ship’s hull, cargo, gear and accommodation, taking care of the ship’s life preserving and firefighting equipment. The deck department is usually the one in charge with receiving, discharging and looking after cargo. As per the vessel’s hierarchy, the deck officers are as follows: Master, Chief Officer, Second Officer, Third Officer and Deck Cadet (deck officer to be).
The absolute authority aboard a merchant vessel is the Master. The full crew is under his authority. He is in charge of the safeness, use and preservation of the ship and ensures that each individual crew member performs his function suitably. He is also in charge of the following: payroll, ship’s accounting, inventories, custom and immigration protocols, and the ship’s documentation. In order to be Master, a seafarer firstly have several years of practical experience as a deck officer and also as Chief Officer.
According to the vessel’s hierarchy, the first deck officer and the head of the deck department after the Master is the Chief Officer or Chief Mate. He is responsible with the ship navigation, watch assignments, charging and discharging operations. The Chief Officer also guides the rest of the officers on deck, makes and posts watch assignments and implements the Master’s directions in order to preserve safe operations and maintenance of the ship.
Second Officer or Second Mate is the next in rank after the Chief Mate and the ship’s navigator, working on making the ship’s passing plans and keeping charts and publications up to date. Besides from watch keeping, the Second Officer is often designated to train the cadets on the ship or to meet the rank of security, safety, environmental or medical officer.
The Third Officer or Third Mate is the 4 th deck officer in command and is commonly the Ship’s Safety Officer, in charge with providing the sound performing of the fire-fighting equipment and life saving equipments. He undertakes bridge watches and studies how to get a Second Officer.
A Cadet on board a merchant ship gets organized training and practical experience on board and gets to know the right way to become a deck officer.
Apart from the officers, the deck department crew at the same time contains ratings, such as AB (Able Body Seaman), OS (Ordinary Seaman) and Boatswain.
The AB is a member of the deck crew and carries responsibilities which include: taking watches, steering the vessel, supporting the Officer on watch, mooring and unmooring the vessel, deck managing and cleaning up. The AB also secures and unsecures the cargo and takes deck and accommodation patrols.
OS is the crew member whose central responsibility is to maintain the cleanliness of the entire ship and acts as assistant for the AB. To be an OS is considered an apprenticeship, an interval known as “sea time” so as to be qualified to take courses and training for AB.
Both the AB and OS are normally controlled by a Boatswain, who is actually also a rating, responsible with evaluating the cargo-handling gadgets and lifesaving equipment as well. The Boatswain usually holds an AB certification as well.
The structure for the deck department on merchant ships is basically the exact same on all ship types.
Nedcon Maritime recruits deck officers and rating for various ship types which include general cargo, bulk, container vessels, tankers, offshore vessels etc. Our data-base features very well trained crew men who, besides the usual demands, have various other certification such as: AB Crane Operator, AB Cook, DP Officers etc.
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