Deadly SEO Mistakes to Avoid At All Cost

Posted by SEO Company Vancouver
Aug 25, 2022

It is important to know what is important in SEO. The mistake that most people make is thinking that keyword research and content strategy are not important, but if no one can find and read your content, then it does not matter how good it is or how well you optimised it.

If you run an SEO Vancouver, then keep on reading the blog to avoid deadly mistakes.

Poor keyword research

Keyword research is the most important part of SEO because it determines the foundation for your entire site. Your website’s content should be built around these keywords, which are the words that people use to find your site.

Keywords can be found by using Google’s Keyword Planner tool or other keyword research tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs.

Poor content strategy

If you're not making your content strategy a priority, you're missing out.

Content is king. It's more than just words though; it's about the whole experience that users have on your website and social media pages.

Content is more than just text, as images and videos play an important role in telling stories that resonate with your audience.

Content isn't just limited to blog posts or white papers either; we've seen amazing examples of content being used as memes and short videos that break down complex topics into bite-sized chunks for consumers who don't have time (or patience) for lengthy reading materials anymore.

Not prioritising your site

When it comes to SEO, your site is the most important part of your business. Every element can make or break how well you rank in Google search results from its overall structure to its content. It's critical that your site prioritise the things that matter most.

Site prioritisation begins with ensuring that all elements (from structure and architecture to security) are up to snuff. You need a team of experts on hand who know what they're doing so they can create an optimised experience for both users and search engines alike.

It is important to know what is important in SEO.

SEO is an important aspect of any digital marketing strategy. It is a long-term strategy that takes time to work and requires constant monitoring and updates.

SEO is not a magic wand; it’s not going to get you on the first page of Google overnight. SEO should be viewed as part of an overall digital marketing strategy that includes social media, paid advertising, email marketing, and more.

Surprisingly, many businesses still don't know what SEO is or how it can help them grow their business online. If you're one of those people, then this article will give you all the basics so that you can get started with your own SEO campaign today!


We hope that this article has helped you understand how important it is to have good keywords. If not for the sake of SEO, then at least for your business. After all, if no one can find your SEO Vancouver Company or understand what it's about, then what's the point?

keep the above mistakes in mind to maintain the healthy SEO of your website.

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