Day care Centers are a boon for parents…
The birth of a child brings in new joy, excitement in the family. Along with it come new responsibilities and duties. However it feels that these responsibilities and duties are primarily for the mother only. In our society it is taken as the morale duty of the mother to take care of the child. The lady takes sabbatical from her career and social standing for the upbringing of the child. No, there is nothing wrong and she welcomes this phase of her life with a smile and open arms. Today however daycare centers are being established which assists parents in this regards. Daycare centers in Delhi have become a feature of most playschool/preschools. They are a welcome break …children have started attending playschools and preschools from the age of 2-3years. After the classes they go the daycare centre. Incharges are appointed who take care of your child thereafter. This creates space for mothers to go back to a career.
Contrary to the basic functioning of the daycare, few amongst us still consider/ belief that sending the child to daycare is inherently a wrong thing and soon we start believing that we are a Bad selfish Mother!!!! The basic upbring of the child is being compromised upon!!
Below are few pointers from child psychologist working in close proximity with kindergarden with Delhi that highlight the facts about daycare centres in Delhi and makes us ponder that daycare centers are a boon for parents:
1) Aping and learning: During the early childhood years, children learn the most when they interact and socialize with children around the same age or slightly older. Young children love to ape each other and each child is a teacher to one another. Parents do observe a change in speech, expression, eating habits, potty trained and confidence. Children learn to share not just their material belongings but their space too. They learn to adjust and adapt. Research suggests that children in quality daycare centers may even have an intellectual edge over those in other kinds of care.
2) Structure: children need a routine, a schedule. It really helps them to be in a structured learning environment .Today’s daycare centers provide structure by scheduling every detail from meals to play time to naps. Activities too are planned for the children, giving them exposure and an avenue to identify their interest.
3) Emotional development: Yes children cry in the initial days when sent to the daycare centre. No one likes it. But these centres help develop the emotional quotient amongst the children. Routine helps discipline the child and assists in accomplishing things in groups and learn teamwork. They learn to be independent too.
4) "Me" Time For Mothers: Mothers too need a break from their children. Contrary to the popular believe that daycare centers flourish due to working parents only, in reality it is equally difficult for stay-at-home parent to accomplish all the household chores while caring for a toddler. Daycare in delhi are being considered, even for stay-at-home-moms.
Daycare centres do come with its share of cons too. Children do tend to fall ill , behaviourial concerns do arise. These centres are an expense on the pockets too. There is no substitute to home. But we can’t deny the fact that children need time. They need someone to talk to them continuously, addressing their curiosity. They need space. Given our modern setup, we are depriving them of their basic requirement. Our homes hardly have any space for kids to walk freely and grow. Given our robotic lifestyles, we hardly have time for the little one. Every act at times seems like a chore that needs a check by day end.
Daycare centres are a welcome break for both parents and children. While choosing a daycare centre, research well. Check on the infrastructure, hygiene maintained, staff appointed. Once the child is enrolled, be alert and present to the child. Happy parenting