Cure Your Sinus Problem with Balloon Sinuplasty

Posted by Jhon Leo
Oct 21, 2021

Summary: A lot of people across the globe are affected by chronic sinus trouble which has a big impact on the quality of life. Balloon sinuplasty is an excellent solution to cure this problem.


It is an FDA approved treatment and found to be less invasive in comparison to other treatment procedures. Since the tissue and bone removal is less, the loss of blood is quite negligible. This is a big advancement in the field of medical science and the patients suffering from sinusitis are reaping good results from this treatment.


The chief cause of sinusitis is inflammation or infection of sinus cavities. This blocks normal drainage of mucus. The symptoms of this infection include nausea, breathlessness, severe headaches, vomiting, eye sores and unusual nasal discharge. Balloon Sinuplasty process involves a catheter-based system along with a microscopic endoscope for proper access of sinuses. It is usually carried out under general or local anesthesia to prevent any distress to the patient. The procedure takes place by insertion of a soft tube called catheter inside the nostril up into the blocked sinus passage. On the tip of this catheter, a tiny balloon is attached which is inflated at the blocked site for a short period. This opens the blocked passage and pushes the bone lining the opening into a much favorable wider gap. Then the balloon is deflated and removed.


Irrigation catheter can be used to wash out any pus or mucus from the sinus. The technique is very similar to angioplasty which is used to open blocked heart vessels. With this simple surgery, you can get freedom from sinusitis for the rest of your life. However, the sinus surgery may be combined with septoplasty or partial turbinate reduction if there is presence of polyps or severe sinus inflammation.


As per the recent studies, sinuplasty treatment has been proved as a permanent and safe method of relieving chronic sinus trouble. The recovery rate of sinuplasty patient is also quicker in comparison to other traditional surgeries. The process is very reliable, but you should undergo the treatment under expert balloon sinuplasty doctors.


This is a big advancement in the field of medical science and the patients suffering from sinusitis are reaping good results from this Nasal Implant Surgery treatment.


What Are Turbinates? Should You Get Them Reduced?


The best way to describe turbinates is as the shelves found on the side of your nose. They often enlarge when you have a cold or allergies but shrink too normal when you are better. They enlarge because blood rushes to the turbinates to help fight the infection. People who have enlarged Turbinate Reduction that do not shrink often have breathing difficulties and should consider getting a turbinate reduction surgery from their doctor.

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