Content Amplification Strategy: 5 Tips You Must Know

Posted by Nisha Gupta
Oct 29, 2020

Traffic that could convert into leads is the ultimate goal of any digital marketing strategy, and this is where you need content amplification. In this Covid-19 situation, when customer’s buying confidence has taken a nosedive, businesses are struggling to the desired outcomes. The tough time demands more precision in the content amplification strategy.

Points to ponder

Whether you are a business head or a digital marketer, here are 5 tips that can make a radical difference to your paid content amplification effort.

1. Know-your-Audience

Profiling your audience correctly with Google Analytics or any other SEO tool can help you adopt the right digital amplification strategy. Answers to several relevant questions could help you in this regard, such as

  • Who are your audience?
  • What is their profession?
  • How do they consume digital content?
  • Where do they spend most of their digital time?

2. Create Engaging Content

It is wise to hire an experienced digital content professional to create high quality engaging and shareable content that your audience would love to read and recommend to their friends and family. When it comes to user-friendly content creation, you have to answer the practical concern of users as well. For example, if you operate a gym, you have to build the confidence in the audience that you follow the government norms to safeguard fitness seekers from Covid-19.

3. User-Centric Design & Performance

User experience design is a key differentiator as well. If anomaly in page design or ad placement distracts the audience, do not expect them to take actions you want, immaterial of the extent of content amplification investment you make. Likewise, Website performance has a large, measurable effect on conversion rates. Build a website that performs great on all screens – big or small. Google recommends website owners to keep website loading time below 2 seconds.

Content Amplification Service

Once you have great content on your website to promote, the next step is finding the service provider that could help you devise foolproof content amplification strategy. The agency should be able to make your content viral by making it available to your target audience where they spend most of their time. Consider the customer success stories of the service providers regarding content distribution. Seeking recommendations on LinkedIn or other social platforms from trusted professionals can help with finding the best content marketing agency.

Monitoring Performance

When you are paying for something, you must get the desired outcomes. How effectively are your content publishing services working? Google Analytics has the answer you need. In the Customer Acquisition section, navigate to Channels and then to Paid. Keep a watch on the engagement metrics like users, page views, time spent, bounce rate, and then conversion. Track the performance and share the report with your content amplification service provider.

All these points are worth considering if you wish your business to attain the targeted goals.

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