Common Dental Health Symptoms and What They Mean

Posted by Rayanne M.
Sep 16, 2021

The image source is Pexels.

Dental problems have never been a good indicator. However, you can mitigate dental issues by making sure that you observe some of the practices like brushing your teeth, seeing your dentists regularly, and flossing. Being aware of the common dental health symptoms and knowing what they are can also prevent this. Here are some of the common dental health problems.

1. Periodontal Gums

It is gum disease that happens when the gums surrounding your teeth are infected. It leads to tooth loss in adults. Note that nobody is excluded from the risk of getting periodontal disease. People who are above 30 years are more likely to be infected. Smoking is one of the significant etiology of periodontal gums. A dry mouth and diabetes will also increase the risk of being infected. Common symptoms for periodontal gums will include bleeding gums, bad breath, and pain when chewing. To mitigate this, you should regularly brush your teeth and see the dentist.

2. Unattractive Smile

An unattractive smile may not be a dental problem. However, many people will always go to the dentist because of it. An unattractive smile will lower your self-esteem. Luckily, the technology, like all on 4 implants, can make you smile again.

3. Tooth Erosion

It is where your teeth lose their structure, usually caused by acids that attack the tooth enamel. The signs and symptoms of an eroded tooth may include sensitivity and tooth cracking. The best part of it is that it can be prevented.

4. Oral Thrush

It is mainly caused by the growth of harmful Candida fungus in the mouth. Occasionally it affects those with low immunity, including children. You can notice it because the results are milky white lesions on the tongue or cheeks. It needs to be treated sooner because it can cause a lot of damage.

5. Tooth Decay

The other name of tooth decay is cavities. It occurs when plaque combines with starch and sugars from what you eat. When these come together, acid is generated, and it will attack the tooth enamel. Tooth decay can attack anyone, no matter the age. As they grow old, many people develop tooth cavities due to the teeth' enamel eroding. Dry mouths are always likely to lead to cavities. To prevent tooth decay, you should brush your teeth twice a day, regularly go to the dentist, and always remember to floss. You should also ensure that you eat food that is healthy and has less sugar.

6. Bad Breath

Bad breath can be profoundly embarrassing. The exact term for bad breath is halitosis. Bad breath can be caused by many things: dry mouth, cavities, gum disease, bacteria in the tongue, and oral cancer can all be the cause of bad breath. Even though most people will use mouthwash, the latter is not the solution because this will only hide the bad breath but won't cure it. If the bad breath is chronic, you must see your dentist so that they may help you.

7. Mouth Sores

There is more than one type of mouth sores. Occasionally, when a sore lasts more than two weeks, you will be worried about it. Some mouth sores will always disappear on their own. The mouth sores can occur inside the mouth or on the edge of the lips. However, some of the sores can be contagious and sometimes not curable.

8. Oral Cancer

Current studies have revealed that oral cancer is affecting more people and is becoming more dangerous. However, when diagnosed early and get good medical attention, the dentist can cure it. Cancer tends to attack people that are over 40 years of age mostly. Alcohol use and tobacco use can lead to one being infected by this. Moreover, HPV can also increase the chances of getting infected. The symptoms of oral cancer include getting difficulties in chewing, sores in the mouth, and changing the way you bite. It would be prudent if you planned to visit your dentist regularly.

9. Tooth Sensitivity

It is a common dental problem affecting most people. Tooth sensitivity manifests when you experience discomfort when taking sweet, hot, or cold drinks and ice creams. Alternatively, some may experience this when brushing or flossing their teeth. Dentists can always treat tooth sensitivity. More so, it can be an indication of a cracked tooth.


Regular visiting your dentist will ensure that any dental problem is detected and early initiation of treatment. You should always ensure that you maintain your dental health well to avoid all the above.

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