CodeIgniter and Its Importance to PHP
CodeIgniter (CI) is actually an open source web application framework that is designed to facilitate rapid web development. The framework is mainly used to build dynamic sites with the help of PHP.
It is extremely powerful and comes with an inbuilt code management system, which helps in providing cost effective PHP solutions besides helping in production of code that is easier to browse as well as write, thereby resulting in significant time as well as cost saving.
As it is an open source application, it is free and is readily available, it is light-weight, and extremely easy to use as well as to incorporate. Following are the features of CI, which make the application so much important when it comes to PHP development.
User Guide
One of the most significant features that make the framework so much important, is its user guide that to say the least, is extremely useful as well as quite impressive. The documentation is done in the most professional way that comes in handy for the PHP developers, especially when it comes to coding.
CI is user-friendly, simple, and a significant proportion of the operation is completed through library uploading. Besides, as the workings are open as well as clear, it is fairly easy to comprehend and naturally is easy to use.
Model Handling
When it comes to dealing with models, CI uses a straightforward process, thereby imitating the standard SQL queries with the use of some simple commands.
Data Validation
It also helps in data validation, which is a major aspect while dealing with models, where validation of data is done with the use of validation of class. Thus, it becomes absolutely imperative for the PHP developers to know about CodeIgniter for effective code implementation.
Other advantages that CI offers to PHP developers include:
Easy, hassle-free, as well as seamless migration from one server to another followed by a smooth installation.
It is extremely easy to handle and customize to meet the need of the clients
As it is built with a framework that is MVC based, it comes with a lot of flexibility as well as easy management.
It is important for the PHP developers to know about CodeIgniter as it helps in
Designing frameworks with footprints that are on the smaller side
Some outstanding performance presentation
Intensive compatibility for coming to terms with regular hosting accounts that is important when it comes to managing completely distinctive PHP versions
Dealing with frameworks that function with practically zero configuration
For designing a framework that will not put any restrictions while operating with certain specific secret rules of code writing.
The PHP framework of CodeIgniter helps the developers to program much faster and helps improving the performance of the custom PHP applications. CI also comes up with an array of libraries that the developers can use for implementing new value added features to a website in a seamless fashion.
Moreover, the modular approach of CI helps in easier maintainability of the applications along with seamless incorporation of the new features like:
Dynamic Instantiation: In CodeIgniter, the components get loaded and the routines are executed only upon request. The system does not make any preemptive assumptions regarding what will be required to make the system light-weight by default.
Loose Coupling: Coupling is an extent by which the system components depend upon each other. The lesser is this dependency, the more will be the flexibility and usability of the system. CI helps in this loose coupling.
Component Singularity: Singularity is a parameter that measures the extent to which the components will have a narrowly focused objective. In CI, each and every class and the functions thereof are autonomous enough so as to facilitate optimal usefulness.
If you would like to hire PHP developer from PHP development company in India who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.