CO4820 Critical Analysis:

Posted by Adam Hebrew
Sep 3, 2022

CO4820 Critical Analysis is a study that focus on the artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence or AI is a full time my assignmnet help course studied in  Universities  that enable students to understand various configurations of tasks  doable by humans. Generally artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of the computer or a robot  monitored by a computer to perform functions which are usually done by humans manually. The commonly observed artificial intelligence in real life after describing and passing vehicles digital assistant transportation. Therefore the basic objective artificial intelligence or  machine intelligence is to stimulate  performance of the computer regarding problem solving , understanding human communication and languages.  Hence , artificial intelligence  assessment in the masters and bachelor degree enables students to have unique ideas  regarding use of computers, collaboration of robotics and computers, and the opportunity to carry out independent research to find innovative solutions   for issues encountered by human beings.  University of Central Lancashire in the UK provides students with opportunities to gather understanding of artificial intelligence and enhance their research skills regarding artificial intelligence.   CO4820 Critical Analysis Assignment is one such assignment under artificial intelligence that encourages students to construct a well referenced and critical review of literature. The critical analysis also   supports students to exhibit awareness of a variety of different research methods for conducting research on artificial intelligence related topics.

  The concept of artificial intelligence is associated with other areas of machine-based functions as it Because unlike other factors it directly emphasizes the creation of national Intelligence and functions efficiently on more than one area of work.   Individuals using artificial intelligence usually focus on reasoning knowledge, problem solving, learning, understanding perception and ability to move objects and manipulate the object for their own gain. There is major four types of artificial intelligence used in technological factors such as reactive artificial intelligence, Limited memory artificial intelligence theory of mind and self-awareness.

Perhaps the most popular use of artificial intelligence are smart assistants used in the current era such as Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant.  These AI technologies are specifically powered personal assistance which have the ability to understand human communication and translate them into actions.  Intelligence is the fundamental part of day-to-day life which enables humans to improve efficiencies and amplify human capabilities.  Hence, student learning artificial intelligence   provide them with a career option to   resolve complex computer programs and work efficiently than others.   In this case, in order to enhance idea of artificial intelligence, students are provided with opportunities regarding research how artificial intelligence drive technological advancement and how artificial intelligence can be used in higher level of service with optional results. Hence, students able to understand core concepts of the artificial intelligence and apply it day to day life in order to improve quality of life. However, while implementing artificial intelligence, individuals often encounter various common challenges such as computing power based on algorithm, trust deficit, limited knowledge regarding certain factor that requires human experience, biased based issues and data security and data breaches. In this case,

The course unit will support students to how artificial intelligence drive technological advancement   and conduct projects using artificial intelligence usually responsible for determining the possible risks, planning resources for the students and maintaining a proper communication with the stakeholders and human tasks requiring computer function.  However, main learning outcome of this course is only to conduct research on the topic, report an experiment or survey.  It will in achieving the student a proper knowledge about projects usually used in data science and other sectors using AI and expand knowledge areas and the process groups along with that the student will be able to determine the impact and relevance of best practices in the career to implement artificial intelligence. 

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