CloudNine Hospital Bangalore Review- Essential Guide to Hospital Services

Posted by Dyle Sten
Jun 24, 2013

From the best gynecologists to the best pediatric specialist, parents want the best for their bundle of joy. Hence it is highly recommended that they go through reviews of feedbacks provided by other similar patients (parents) before choosing to employ the services of any hospital. Taking a well- informed decision is very crucial for the life and health of both the mother and the child as any mistake, mo matter how small it is, may prove to be hazardous.


Cloud Nine, a maternity-care specialty hospital, was cofounded by neonatologist R Kishore Kumar. Seeing swarming, insanitary government hospitals and poorly run private nursing centers in the country, Kumar along with his team of three co-founders decided to concentrate on offering quality neonatal and pediatric care.


In the process of reading other’s feedback, the prospective clients build up informed Medical Service selection skills. Going through the review of another person or patient about a Medical Service Provider facilitates them to better identify and select a more competent and fair Medical Service Provider. There are several platforms in the form of various online review websites for sharing genuine opinion on one’s experience with Medical Service Providers. The responses may be on Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Clinics, doctors etc. Here people can share their experiences for others to benefit, and study other peoples’ experiences to aid them in making learned and right decisions regarding the Medical Service Provider.

Rating on Parameters

·         Medical Expertise of Doctors  

·         Staff Quality  

·         Equipment Quality  

·         Hygiene and Cleanliness  

·         Value for Money

Based on the above parameters, the Clod Nine Care hospital Bangalore reviews clearly indicate the truth that the hospital has efficiently filled the void of high quality maternal and child health care in Bangalore. The reviews available on various websites online by patients who have already been fortunate to avail the world-class facilities of the Cloud Nine Care hospital Bangalore sums up to the fact that the hospital has left no stone unturned to supply the right care package for each individual. The fact that patients are increasingly recommending other people to employ the services of Cloud Nine Care Hospital Bangalore marks the success of this venture.

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