CBD Used for Healing of Skin Due to Burns, Cuts and Scrapes

Posted by Pinky Tyagi
Oct 6, 2020

Cannabis can offer a number of medicinal benefits by interfacing with our endocannabinoid system. Also, this system exists within our skin hence, allows cannabinoids like CBD or THC to achieve antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and also analgesic effects on our burns and wounds.

Cannabis can also be applied to our skin, where it can improve health of this organ. CBD and THC interact with our endocannabinoid system, and produce modulating effect of the physiological systems.

As per research, endocannabinoid system also exists within our skin and where it is usually heavily implicated in growth, proliferation, differentiation and hormone production.

Now CBD can produce promising results after treating burns and wounds by using CBD topical. Few cannabinoids were also found to have antibacterial properties that can be used as potential first-aid treatment if any injuries occur.

In order to buy CBD ointment click here on the website of CBD Marketplace, a well-known supplier of all kinds of CBD related products.

Common skin related issues and symptoms

There are a number of issues related to skin like scarring, acne and open wounds. So, if you are suffering from chronic skin conditions like mentioned above then this piece of writing will be useful for you.

Also, there are many kinds of injury to our skin, and each is treated differently. Now the question is whether CBD can really help these issues or not.

Can CBD be good for skin?

As per evidences obtained from research, CBD can benefit our skin. CBD’s antioxidant properties are beneficial. The endocannabinoid system can play a massive role for functioning of the skin. CBD achieves following 3 things:

  • Cell growth
  • Cellular integrity
  • Hormone production

CBD skincare products can rejuvenate and moisturize our skin. Hence, market is now flooded with various products like CBD bath bombs, face creams, lotions and bath salts etc. However, what about few minor skin issues such as cuts, scrapes etc.

  1. CBD for treating wounds and burns

In fact, you must not apply topical CBD products in your open wounds. It can rather increase your risk of infection as well as cause more pain due to ingredients present in the product.

However, once your wound has already dried up then you may apply skincare products. CBD present within the products can help in speeding up your healing process by promoting your cellular health.

Besides that, the moisturizing elements present in CBD creams will relieve your dry parts of skin and burns that can speed up your recovery.

  1. CBD for pain/Inflammation

CBD primarily helps our skin by treating pain and inflammation as CBD is very well-known for anti-inflammatory properties.

Usually, skin wounds are often coupled with swelling. As CBD is anti-inflammatory, hence you can reduce your swelling by applying topical CBD cream. CBD will also reduce pain that you experience along with injury.

Different products are there for different areas of your body. As an example, face creams will reduce inflammation and also sebum production to treat acne. Joint creams will be better for pain from lupus or arthritis. Few generalized CBD topical is ideal for scrapes and cuts causing swelling.

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