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Yet to being a physician, Dr. Dunn was also a biostatistician who worked in hospitals (in New York City and Rochester, MN) before stepping into public health with the National Office of Vital Statistics, the Bureau of the Census and therefore the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, where he was Assistant Surgeon General for aging.Cannabliss Pure Cbd He is best known, however, for his then unusual, rather odd focus and advocacy for bigger environmental awareness and personal assumption of individual responsibility for health, which he called high level wellness.Meeting and working with several remarkable characters who were exploring alternative approaches to improved well being (e.g., self-actualization, organic farming, holistic health, stress management and plant-primarily based nutrition), to name just a few.
He gave 29 talks below this banner at a Unitarian Church in Arlington, VA over the course of a year. The lectures were eventually printed as a book, High Level Wellness, in 1961. It failed to build the New York Times best-seller lists but it did get within the hands of many doctors and different thought leaders who adopted and adapted Dr. Dunn's ideas. Many of the early adopters created seminal contributions along the lines advanced by Dr. Dunn beginning in the middle 1970's. My own book by the identical name (subtitled Another to Doctors, Drugs and Disease) and Elizabeth Neilson's journal Health Values: Achieving High Level Wellness, were inspired by Dr. Dunn's writings.
Among these lucky interconnections was a probability encounter with the founder of the first-ever Wellness Resource Center at a time when I was experiencing a major job amendment. I could, if so inclined, credit this seemingly dumb luck meeting to divine intercession. Not being therefore inclined, I instead rank it close to the high of my list of probability encounters of the random smart fortune variety.Alternative such fortuitous links included an opportunity to pursue post-graduate study mid-career attributable to receipt of a generous Bush Foundation grant. This award enabled my enrollment at the Stanford Business School, that in flip sparked a decision to pursue a doctorate in public health policy.