Candid and Traditional Wedding Photography: Two different approaches

Posted by Wedding Photo
Nov 25, 2018

A wedding happens a once in a lifetime. People want to memorize their special day. Wedding photography is the finest form of art to capture the most astonishing moments of a couples’ life. These days, there is a drift of candid wedding photography in Mumbai which is catching up fast. Though this is the new shift, there are many fans for traditional wedding photography.

Anticipating the unexpected: Candid is always impromptu

Indian candid wedding photography is a composition of the old and new. Because it covers a very traditional wedding in a new and divergent hue. It captures people when they are not aware of their photographs being taken. Hence, it is called candid photography. The photographers capture images without mounting a scene. Hence it is organic and brings in a feel of realism. The photographer moves around the event area and captures people as they go about the rituals. In fact, it has become popular in recent times in spite of candid photography cost is greater than that of traditional photography.

Traditional is trendy even today

In incongruity to candid photography, a traditional photography in India involves sitting down pictures of the people. They are aware that somebody is taking capturing their picture. This kind of photography is more solemn in its approach. Traditional photography allows the photographer to create the perfect fissure to take a picture where everyone is giving their poses. It also means that people can dress up as they want and give a pose which is suitable for them more.

Candid V/S Traditional photography: the difference

Conventional photography captures events as they are supposed to. The bombshell of candid wedding photography lies in the natural reactions of the people. It captures people in their best emotions and brings out the feelings of that moment through a picture. In traditional photography, if the photo is of the recently wed couple, then they will be visible clearly. Also, they will be at the center of the picture. This is different from candid photography. There the photographer can decide a unique angle for capturing the couple. He may focus on a particular scene through a new position. And he can use the light to give a fresh look to the picture. Hence it is more creative.

The technical know-how

There is a huge difference in the approach of a candid and a traditional photographer. For example, a candid portrait photography will use light and capture a person in a more informal tone. The final look of the picture depends on the processing of the images. And of course, it depends on the photographers’  photographic skill too.

The difference between the two forms is in the way both observe a scene needs to be photographed. And also how they want to frame a subject in the picture and click it. The difference could also be in the ambiance they prefer and the use of light in them. Though candid Indian wedding photography is in trend, it doesn’t mean that the traditional version is out. There are many admirers of traditional photography in India as it has been an accepted for long years now.

In both types, the results are different. But depending on the photographer’s skill, both styles of photography can give good outputs. Moreover, some photos are the best when they are candid while certain parts of the wedding need traditional photography.

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