Cancer is a Modern Man-made Disease?

Posted by Emedihelp Online
May 8, 2017

Cancer is designated as a modern, man-made disease. The main reason responsible for this is environmental pollution, lifestyle choices, which includes diet, related activities, etc. Scientists of the Manchester University had reviewed on this topic. They concluded that cancer is a modern man-made disease.

Researches on Egyptian Mummies and Fossils

Scientists have spent their time and energy on the research of examining fossils, mummies and other related classical literature before drawing any sort of conclusion. They said that the occurrences of this disease are due to the modern lifestyle of man. While studying the Egyptian mummies, the researchers found that there are no traces of cancer in those mummies. But one exceptional case was when where they found the sign of cancer. They later, rehydrated (added water to the corpse’s remains), viewed and examined in the laboratory. Some of the scientists had argued on this topic. According to them, cancer did not developed in ancient times. But their argument was vain because other researchers had proved that there are many diseases which have a connection with age. This includes brittle bones; arteries getting hardened and many more.

One of the famous scientific journals “Nature Reviews Cancer” has reported that this research on fossils did not possess any solid points for the scientific world to accept it. But later the bones of Neanderthals have shown possible signs of cancer. Scientists had also studied the remains of the mummies and jotted down the evidence from them. They got very limited evidence of the disease especially in these animal fossils. The metastatic cancer evidence was later found in the fossil of Edmontosaurus and presence of neoplasm in other remains. It has been said that the age limits of modern man leads to cancer development. But ancient people used to live a long span of their life.

Version of the Life Science Professors

One of the faculty related to the life science field, Professor Rosalie David, said that the industrialized society of today’s world are the main cause of cancer and heart diseases. According to him, in ancient times, the environment used to be very clean, without any sort of pollutions. But at present times we cannot think of a pollution free environment. Hence, his opinion was that natural environment does not contains any agents that can cause this dreadful disease. Therefore, it can be designated as man-made one. The experimental study of another scientist, Dr. Zimmerman showed that the remains of mummies has preserved the distinct features of tumors and other malignancies in a better way than the normal tissue preservations. Professor David was given an invitation to present her research work to “UK Cancer Czar” where other professors also given their opinion.

Modern Lifestyle and Cancer

The most common healthy factors are diet, proper body weight, physical exercise. The death records are studied from different cancer hospitals which showed that almost 80% cause of death is cancer and other major respiratory diseases. There are few modern risk factors, pointed out by the oncologists of different cancer hospitals, which are mainly responsible for cancer is as follows:
1. Alcohol
2. Diet
3. Hormones
4. Obesity
5. Tobacco
6. Sunlight
7. Immunosuppression
8. Infectious Agents
9. Other Cancerous Agent
10. Age related factor
11. Environmental Pollution
12. Inflammation those are chronic in nature.
13. Exposure to different chemical substance.

To prevent this deadly disease, one has to take a proper healthy diet, other than junk or fast foods. They should regularly do physical activities. They must maintain their body weight as obesity can also induce cancer development. Credihealth will help you to more about cancer treatments in India with list of best doctors and hospitals.

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