BV Cure Review - Value of laparoscopy
The value of laparoscopy, in addition to assessing the severity and extent of the inflammatory process, is the ability to perform lysis of adhesions, open or remove the pus ovarial education, directed to perform drainage and sanitation of the abdominal cavity, make intra-abdominal perfusion and infusion of various medical solutions.
BV Cure Review - To preserve reproductive function in a subsequent suitable dynamic laparoscopy, during which the rate is fixed regressive changes of inflammation, perform various medical manipulations: adhesiolysis, aspiration of pathological effusion, abdominal lavage antiseptics.
Dynamic laparoscopy improves anti-inflammatory therapy, prevents the formation of adhesions, which is especially important for patients who are planning a pregnancy. Laparotomy shown at break ovarial pus formation, diffuse or diffuse peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscesses, treatment failure within 24 hours after the drainage of the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope, the inability to perform a laparoscopy, the source of this content is BV Cure program
To access laparotomic engaged also in patients with purulent ovarial formations in pre-and postmenopausal women, if necessary, removal of the uterus. The volume of transactions is determined by the patient's age, degree of destructive changes and the prevalence of inflammation pathology.
BV Cure Natural - Hysterectomy with appendages on one or both sides produce when the uterus is the source of inflammation (endomyometritis against CMC, after childbirth, abortion and other intrauterine interventions) is associated lesions of the body and cervix, with diffuse peritonitis, multiple abscesses in the abdominal cavity.
Patients of reproductive age should be pursuing an organ operations or, in extreme cases, to preserve ovarian tissue. Surgery was complete drainage of the abdominal cavity.
BV Cure Review - To preserve reproductive function in a subsequent suitable dynamic laparoscopy, during which the rate is fixed regressive changes of inflammation, perform various medical manipulations: adhesiolysis, aspiration of pathological effusion, abdominal lavage antiseptics.
Dynamic laparoscopy improves anti-inflammatory therapy, prevents the formation of adhesions, which is especially important for patients who are planning a pregnancy. Laparotomy shown at break ovarial pus formation, diffuse or diffuse peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscesses, treatment failure within 24 hours after the drainage of the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope, the inability to perform a laparoscopy, the source of this content is BV Cure program
To access laparotomic engaged also in patients with purulent ovarial formations in pre-and postmenopausal women, if necessary, removal of the uterus. The volume of transactions is determined by the patient's age, degree of destructive changes and the prevalence of inflammation pathology.
BV Cure Natural - Hysterectomy with appendages on one or both sides produce when the uterus is the source of inflammation (endomyometritis against CMC, after childbirth, abortion and other intrauterine interventions) is associated lesions of the body and cervix, with diffuse peritonitis, multiple abscesses in the abdominal cavity.
Patients of reproductive age should be pursuing an organ operations or, in extreme cases, to preserve ovarian tissue. Surgery was complete drainage of the abdominal cavity.