Buy Aquaguard water purifier and RO+UV technology
Safe drinking water is no longer a luxury but a choice. In the modern era where pollution is rampant everywhere, it is important to invest in purifiers of the best kinds. Looking to buy water purifiers and unable to decide what type to choose? You can opt for one of the RO water purifiers. Aquaguard water purifiers price is reasonable so that’s a bonus. Now that you know which one to pick, you should look at the features and technology that come with it.
Reverse osmosis purifiers
You can buy a purifier based on the principle of reverse osmosis or RO. When water is passed through a membrane under high pressure, the contaminants get separated from the water. Such water is portable and doesn’t contain a high level of total dissolved solids. Water with elevated levels of TDS is also harmful. So, if you live in a neighborhood supplied by bore well water or hard water, you would definitely need an RO purifier. RO purifiers not only eliminate harmful salts but also fortify water with essential minerals and salts such as calcium and magnesium. The purifier also maintains the pH level of water so that you can drink tasty, safe and pure water.
Ultraviolet radiation purifiers
You can buy UV purifiers if the water supply to your home is from a river, tank or a water body. Chances are such water contains a high level of viruses or disease-causing bacteria. Unfiltered water from a river or a lake can cause infections or water-borne diseases, including diarrhea and cholera. UV filtration is based on ultraviolet technology that is equal to water boiled for 20 minutes.
Universal purifier — a combination of RO and UV
If you want a model that suits both situations, you can use a universal water purifier which uses both processes, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet radiation. The purifier auto selects which process to use, based on the source of water.
The purifier also comes with a range of features, including intelligent ones, which give out alerts and LED notifications about service, the status of purification and level of water, among others. Purifiers with state of the art technology also come with a range of cartridges that infuse water with vitamins and good minerals. The cartridges include mineral guard, biotron and HCCB. Hybrid carbon chemo block eliminates organic contaminants, color or bad odors from water. Another useful feature is that the purifier switches into reserve mode which helps extend the life of the cartridge at the press of a button.
When you buy, also make sure you find out about the warranty and what it covers. You should also find out about after sales service. Learn more about maintenance tips to keep your purifier in top form. You should also check the ratings and reviews online so you can make an informed decision. Much like anything else, you can now buy purifiers online. Before you know it, you have access to safe and pure drinking water.