Bushcraft Axe Tips for Mastering Felling

Posted by Perkin Steel
Sep 18, 2020

In the time of chainsaws, not many people use or even know how to use a bushcraft axe UK survival stores sell. However, using an axe to fell a tree, as opposed to a machine, has a class of its own and so is the feeling of accomplishment you will feel after mastering an axe. While using a chainsaw to fell a tree is easy, knowing how to do it with a bushcraft axe is helpful when you are out there in the woods on a survival game.

Why fell a tree at all?

But, why fell a tree? Well, you may be someone who prefers to get his own lumber for the hearth or your next woodworking project. There is also the possibility of a tree in your backyard being rotten or diseased. Whatever it may be, felling the tree with a bushcraft axe is the way to go.

Getting prepared for felling

The first step towards felling a tree and mastering it is taking some time to inspect the tree you are going to fell. Walk around the tree and learn it natural lean. It is always the safest direction to aim your tree to fall; less destructive option. Alternatively, you can use a plumb line to know the tree’s naturally lean.

Make sure to clear any obstruction in your swing radius to avoid any injuries. While at it, just chop all the branches to your shoulder level. Always wear protective gear and have multiple escape routes in case something goes sideways.

Three basic techniques to follow

Now comes the handsy part. There are three basic techniques to felling a tree. If you get these right, you are good to go.

  • Stance

The ideal stance for felling a tree is keeping your feet at a parallel, slightly wider than your shoulders. Make sure you are standing on steady ground. Have imaginary lines outside your feet and stay firm within and keep your strokes outside them.

  • Grip

The best way to hold the axe is by keeping your dominant hand near the neck and the other slightly lower on the handle. Having a firm grip and relaxing your body helps.

  • Cuts

When felling a tree, you want to make the lateral cut, from top heading downwards in a 30-40 degree angle. Position yourself to the side and make a face cut at the tree’s base and a lateral cut on the opposite side, 2-inches above. Try to hit the same spot with every swing.


Felling a tree is a skill that requires practice. It takes time to master it. However, once you do, you have an essential skill for survival and no longer need someone to do it for you. For, self-reliance is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

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