Build Your List With a Proper Squeeze Page!

Posted by Anthony Kpodo
Aug 21, 2017

What is a Squeeze Page? A squeeze page is a simple but straightforward web page. It is built with the sole intention of getting the visitors to give you their email addresses. This process is known as an “opt-­in”.


Note well that the squeeze page is not a page for selling your products. The main aim of a squeeze page is to “squeeze” the e-­mail addresses, and not money, out of visitors. Therefore, save the actual links to sales and purchases for later.


All that you need to put into a squeeze page is the premise of your service, and a little bit of pre-selling. It is like what newspapers do by posting the headlines and first few lines of the newspaper.


Skip the Video:

Skip the video on squeeze pages, or people will skip over you. At least that’s what I do!

Why is this so? You may further ask, “Isn’t video a good way of generating leads and convincing visitors?” Well, yes, but think about where you put it! The fact is that most people who are visiting your squeeze page and opt-­in are the impulsive type. It also means that they are not exactly patient. Even though we have high-­speed broadband available nowadays, people still do not like to wait for anything to load if they are not sure they want it.

If you keep your squeeze pages free of videos, you will allow them to load quickly and cleanly. If you allow your visitors to read the salient points right away, the probability is that they will opt in while their attentions are aflame.


Also Avoid Heavyweight Effects

There should be no heavyweight effects on your squeeze page.

Take a look at a typical Squeeze Page Here:

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Ali S.

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