Build Body Strength and Endurance by Yoga

Ever wonder how athletes and sportsperson build their strength and endurance, the answer is Yoga. Yes, you hear it right yoga helps in making the mental strength and also improves the physical health. But don’t ever think that yoga is easy to practice. Yoga involves different asanas, which are very challenging to practice. The regular practice of yoga asanas will help you in improving body balance, build core strength, increase stamina, and build muscles. Get Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh and learn the asanas, which are beneficial for maintaining strength and endurance.
Here is the list of yoga asanas:
Downward Dog:
Start doing this asanas with push-up while opening your hands according to your shoulder distance. Press your palms like a dog facing the floor. After that, press the chest to the toes and face down the floor. Do this asana for at least five breaths while doing the breathing from the nose in or out.
High Lunge:
After the Downward Dog starts the High Lunge Pose. For doing this pose, lift the right foot forward and set up in between your hands. Just relax your body and shoulders while you are doing this pose. Repeat this pose for at least five or more breaths slowly.
Standing Split:
Do this yoga pose right after the High Lunge Pose. For doing this, yoga pose stands on one leg and lift your leg backward and touch your ankle. While doing this pose, lift the leg high and balance your body weight of another foot. Hold this yoga asanas for at least five slow breaths.
Easy Twist:
In this yoga, asana keeps your left leg backward and keep the position like a runner and twist your body and raise your right hand in the air. While you are doing this yoga pose, keep your left palm on the floor and keep twisting your body.
Side Plank:
Right after the easy pose, start doing the side plant, which is beneficial for making the core stability? Cities your left palm on the floor and balance your whole body weight on the left hand for a couple of minutes. But keep in mind while you dong this pose keep your both thighs together.
In 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, all the above yoga poses are teachers by the professional yoga trainer. They will give you in-depth knowledge about yoga asanas and tell you all aspects of traditional yoga.
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