Branched-Chain Amino Acids - The Trio Powerhouse

Posted by Mark Twain
Jun 28, 2013

Amino acids have long been acknowledged as vital component of our health and fitness requirements. Many researches have been conducted paving way for the recognized advantages these protein subunits has to propose. Sadly, our body cannot produce its own set of amino acids. No worries though, as not the one to be outdone, the supplement industry have innovated products as answers to our fitness needs. With this, one particular supplement outshines others in the market and raising muscle building and athletic performance up to the third power. Give way for the powerful trio such as leucine, valine and isoleucine or the combo better known as branched-chain amino acids are in.


Amino acids, best known as the building units of our body is subdivided into two categories, the nonessential and essential amino acids. The nonessential units are made out from glucose and other protein present in our body while the essential amino acids are supplied through the existence of protein in our diet since our body cannot sensibly produce them. Basically, a well-balanced meal is able to supply all the needed essentials in our body, however, in cases when there is a requirement for additional protein requirement as in muscle building and athletic activities, supplementation is necessary. Apart from this, each amino acid is associated with particular role and function. Take for example leucine, an essential amino acid essential for insulin regulation and optimal growth through supporting protein synthesis and inhibiting protein breakdown. Similarly, isoleucine is essential for the discharge of growth hormone, creation of hemoglobin, accelerating wound healing, and promoting quicker muscle recovery. And finally, valine, an evenly significant amino acid, conversely, is accountable as another source of energy when the body is under relentless stress. On the whole, these essential amino acids are your branched-chain amino acids, your three-in-one daily fitness fix.

Anabolic Effects on the Muscles

BCAA have a lot of scientific evidences surrounding and always favoring them with regards to muscle building efforts and athletic performance. Since BCAA are mainly metabolized in the liver and not in the muscles, they have been well-associated to prevent post exercise-induced muscle breakdown and promotion of muscle building and recovery. With this, a sixteen-week study was conducted consisting of nine untrained men was conducted to decide if BCAA supplementation could halt off muscle damage. The participants were haphazardly given BCAA supplements, carbohydrate or placebo effect pre and post work-out. True enough, after the research, creatine kinase and lacatate dehydragenase, hormones considered as muscle damage determinants were significantly lower in contrast to those taking carbohydrates or placebo. Furthermore, muscle soreness was reported less in the BCAA group. Another noteworthy study regarding this similar effect was accomplished by Sugita et al, 2003, who examined effect of a selected amino acid mixture, particularly BCAA's, on the recovery from muscle fatigue during and after eccentric contraction exercise training. The trial consisted of twenty-two college male students who were given amino acid mixtures twice a day. Interestingly enough, in contrast to the placebo group, consumption of BCAA have been proven effective for the recovery of the damaged muscles post-exercise.

Continued affirmative evidences kicks in as same findings were laid out in an article that appeared in the Journal of Nutrition citing that BCAA activates key enzyme in protein synthesis following physical exercise. The review indicated that the amino acids, mainly leucine have anabolic effects on the muscle during recuperation from an extreme training by signaling pathways controlling the protein synthesis and declining protein breakdown in the sleeping muscles.

Apart from these anabolic effects, branched-chain amino acids have intense effects connected with certain disease conditions such as liver diseases, tardive dyskinesia, and some genetic disorders. These, however, are all gray areas waiting for more evidences from the scientific community to warrant their positivity. As of now, fitness enthusiasts can delight with this another addition of USPLabs modern bcaa plus product into their seemingly rising choices for supplements. With proven muscle building usage, fitness buffs are yet again one step nearer to their goals.

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