Best Way to Protect Yourself from Sports Injurie

Posted by Rajiv Pratap Singh
Aug 25, 2020

Sports and outdoor camps are organized to keep children occupied when they are not in school, and the larger number of youths attend these camps every time as it's helpful to teach kids about the fundamentals of sports and help in improving their skills and ability. However, there is a level of danger involved in it. The sports and outdoor camps involve a high level of physical activity which raises the chances of someone getting hurt or seriously injured which makes getting a sports camp insurance essential for the organization running the camps to protect themselves from any accidents.

Amateur sports insurance helps in covering the cost of medical care and treatment of injuries that occur while playing sports.

Who Is Eligible for Sports and Sports Camp Insurance?

The eligibility depends on the organization engaged in play or practice of sports or sports camps having participants of the age of up to 18. You may get insurance for participants of age 19 + but under certain conditions which are determined by various insurance companies.

What Is Covered Under Sports Insurance?

  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment

 It pays a benefit to insured parties if death and dismemberment occur from a covered accident. It provides coverage to the sportsman in the event of loss of:

  • Life 

  • Both hands or both feet or complete blindness  

  • Loss of one hand or one foot 

  • Either hand and sight of one eye

  • Either foot and sight of one eye

  • Speech and hearing loss

  • Thumb and fingers of the same hand 

  • The sight of one eye.

  • 2. Accidental Medical Expense-

It pays for any expenses incurred by insured more than deductible care amount for medical care due to some bodily injuries.

Types of Sports Insurance

  1. Player Accident Insurance

This policy covers both amateur and professional sports players who may get injuries while playing their respective sports.

Player accident insurance covers the players when they are participating in any competition, sports camps or during training sessions. Generally, all the clubs and organizations take out insurance policies for players, and the premium cost for this is covered at the time of registration of players.

  1. Prize Indemnity Insurance

It covers the policyholder for the value of an insured prize or a player bonus.

  1. Cancellation

It covers expenses that occur because of cancellation postponement abandonment or relocation of an insured event.

Types of Insurance Depending on Sports Played

  • Soccer Insurance 

In it, the teams, leagues coaches and instructors and the type of competition and tournaments and all soccer facilities are insured.

  • Rugby Player Insurance 

It is one of the riskiest sports to play and injuries which are serious and mild both can happen with players. Moreover, rugby player insurance won't take away this risk, but it softens the chances when players get injured on the field and pay you a lump sum amount if you get serious injuries.

  • Other Sports Insurance 

There is insurance for all other sports like cricket, archery, softball, martial arts, golf, Frisbee and more which gets insured in which the teams, league, coaches, owners', instructors', squads and anyone who gets injured is liable to get protection.

It's important for every sport and sports camp organization to get insurance for themselves and save them from any unfavorable incidents.

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