Best Tanks Classes in WoW Classic: Wrath of The Lich King
Wrath of the Lich King has some of the most beloved and memorable raids in wow history. What are the absolute strongest tanks in Wrath of the Lich King Classic? Today, we talk about the best WOTLK Classic tanks and which tanks pump the highest threat, which tanks have the highest survivability, and which tanks are must-haves for your rap race. As you may know, tanks are the best class to get WotLK Classic gold in-game.
Wrath of The Lich King Best Tanks - WOTLK Classic Tank Tier List
Every tank in Wrath will have its moments to shine. They have their strengths and their weaknesses their fights that they'll do really well on. In this WOTLK Classic tank tier list, we'll be covering the strongest tanks in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, we'll be ranking from a to c to figure out which tank you need to be playing in Wrath. We are going to mention some death knight specs but we are not going to give them a rating. These are viable specs you're going to see them all the time in dungeons, so we have to talk about them. Now, let's find out the WOTLK best tank class.
C Tier On Wotlk Tank Professions Tier list
Protection Warriors
Protection warriors unfortunately have lower survivability and less utility than other tanks. That makes them very difficult to justify in a lot of situations. However, your lack of survivability is somewhat offset by incredible mobility. You have warbringer which lets you charge intercept and intervene in combat in any stance. You have shockwave which is an excellent cone-based stun. Don't forget heroic throw which gives you a good range-based threat ability. You have vigilance which is a really strong ability that redirects 10% of threat from a raid member to you. You have strong activatable saves like your last stand and your shield wall which make the skill ceiling very high for protection warriors. Unfortunately in Wrath for most players, pro warriors will be far from their place as the tank Kings of Classic. Other tanks are more consistent easier to heal and provide more overall utility. Protection warriors get a c in this Classic WOTLK tank rankings.
B Tier On Classic Wotlk Tank Tiers
Blood Death Knights
Blood dks are chad magic haters with two-handed swords. Right out of the gate, blood dk will be starting out a bit weaker than other tanks because they don't have shields. But they scale very well. They have a lot to offer in their toolkit, they can deflect spells to take reduced damage, and they have an anti-magic shell to absorb 75% percent of damage dealt by spells. You get plenty of strong abilities like ice-bound fortitude to reduce damage by 30% and passives will of the necropolis to reduce damage when you're low. And don't even think about forgetting death grip which is an extremely broken ability that can be used to reposition enemies. Blood dks also have very strong self-healing for tanks. Ultimately blood death knights are versatile, they're easy to keep alive and they have solid utility. Blood death knights is a b on this Wrath tank tier list.
A Tier On Wotlk Rank
Feral Druids
Feral druid feral druids have the highest health pools in the game by a wide margin. This makes them extremely easy to heal and it makes your raids much more consistent. Meanwhile, they have far and away from the highest damage of any tank. You have new abilities like berserk which allows your mangle to hit 3 targets and even makes you immune to fear. Of course, you also have to innervate for your mana-hungry mages and still the only battle rez in the entire game. One of the best parts about feral druids is that when they aren't taking a fight, they can still pump out top 5 DPS in a raid thanks to improved abilities like their multi-target cat swipe. The big downside for feral druids is that they don't have many taunt options, so they'll rely heavily on misdirects from hunters to get fights started. That being said feral druid is arguably the simplest and most forgiving tank in Wrath. Without a doubt that feral druids are one of the best tanks in the WOTLK Classic.
S Tier On Wotlk Tank Tier List
Protection Paladins
Lastly, protection paladin is the best tank in Classic Wrath. Protection paladins are the absolute monster tanks of Wrath of the Lich King. Imagine the damage and threat of a TBC paladin with more utility, more taunts, and more survivability. Wrath patches up practically all of your TBC weaknesses. Ardent defender reduces damage and saves you from fatal attacks. Hand of reckoning is a perfect single target taught. While divine plea gives you 25% of your total mana back every minute. Divine sacrifice redirects 30% of party damage to the paladin, it's the absolute perfect raid damage mitigation ability. Meanwhile, the shield of the righteous gives you more single-target threats. While hammer of the righteous gives you even more aoe threat. Also, avengers shield instant cast now, you can't forget this is literally the undead expansion so your exorcism and holy wrath will pump damage and threat.
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