Posted by Furqan Ahmed
Apr 24, 2016

It is a process all work you can do under in your website to assist you rank higher is known as On page Seo, for example, domain name selection, keyword use in URL selection, URL optimization, keyword in title tag, keywords In meta description, keyword in HEADING 1, image Seo optimization, content keyword optimization, Page load time and caching, anchor text optimization, web page internal linking, outbound link, content updates. THESE are the main key aspects of On page Seo

An Preferably Enhanced Web Page
An ideal web page should do all of the following:
• Be hyperlink-relevant to a specific topic (usually a product or single object)
o Include subject in title tag

include your keyword in your description
Include subject in URL the following is a good example of URL structure:

o Include subject in image alt text

o Identify subject various times throughout written text content.

o  Provide unique and relevant content about a given subject

• Link back to its category page

• Link back to its subcategory page (If applicable)

• Link back to its homepage (normally accomplished with an image link showing the website logo on the top left of a page)

Keywords in domain URL

Try to add your main  keywords in URL domain. First word is best, second is second best, etc.

On Page Seo Title Tags Optimization

It is very important key aspect of Seo. Try to add your top main keywords on your webpage Title tag. Title tag should be short and descriptive 50 to 60 words or character length. If you keep your titles under 55 characters, you can expect at least 95% of your titles to display properly
• Full name of your business
• Professional phone number
• your most prominent keywords

Optimized Keywords in Meta description
It is another important factor, Description can be up to 200 characters, but search results will only display up to the first 150 characters. Integrate as many of your keywords for phrases as possible in the Description that are appropriate to the material of that page. If you have a WordPress based site, there is a best solution for the Title, Meta Description and Keywords tag, the All in One SEO Pack plug-in and WordPress SEO BY YOAST. There are other several plugins available, but this is one of the best plugins that I have already been used for my client projects and also use for my blog. I will recommend you must use this plugins.

Keywords in keywords meta tags

Showed them only less then 10 words. Your main keyword meta tag should be appear one time on the body content . If not then Google will penalized your site for irrelevancy.

Keyword in HEADING  H1, H2 and H3

H1 tags are just similar to newspaper headlines. They are the first things that the search engines seek at when proper indexing your web page and ideally, they will give a good indication of what your page is all about. If your H1 tags contain your keywords, then your page will be seen as more relevant. Your headline, which will be the description of the post on your blog, is around 90 percent of the reason anyone will read your article, so make sure your headline title should be interest for the reader as I mentioned in the Title Tags area, you have less than 10 seconds to attract the user’s attention.

Keyword font sizeIn strong, bold, italic, etc.

Here is the Keyword Density Formula,

Keywords in Body Content

Keyword density in body content5 – 20% – (For example all keywords/ total words)

( ( Words Presence * Phrase Word Count ) / total words count ) * 100

2 * 3 / 400 * 100 = 1.5%

Individual keyword density1 – 6% – (each keyword/ total words)

For three different keywords (appearing twice each) and 300 words of copy: 100% x (2×3)/300 = 6% (overall density)

with same keyword appearing 3 times and 300 words of copy: 100% x 3/300 = 3% (individual density)

with same keyword appearing 30 times and 1000 words of copy: 100% x 30/1000 = 3% (individual density)

Optimize Image ALT tag

Its also a very important key aspect of seo.  Images can generate a LOTS  of  world wide traffic from image-based search engines (Google Images for example) .if you to get more traffic through Google image then you must learn how to optimize images .Try to add alter tag in your images. First understand What is image alt text? it’s SIMPLY the text word that the search engine Google uses to understand images.

To include it, you simply add alt="this is your alt text" to your image tag. Here’s an example:

<img src="herbal-products.jpg" alt="Herbal Products" />

Find the right images

SEARCH relevant images is very important for image optimization. Best images can add another dimension to an article or page that can motivate individuals to share the web page and create some great quality back links.

Here are some of the best places to actually find images:must click this link to find more 

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