Best Hair Transplant in Delhi

We provide hassle free and scar free hair transplant treatment in Delhi. What makes our technique unique is that there are no cuts, scars, pain or stitches during the short 4-6 hour procedure.
Hair loss is a major problem that both men and women face at some point in their lives. There are many reasons for hair loss. The most common type is androgenetic alopecia, which is genetically programmed. Other causes include nutritional, hormonal, environmental etc. Alopecia areata is caused by the action of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is the active form of the hormone testosterone, on receptors present in hair follicles. We classify to assess the degree of baldness from 1 to 7 on the Hamilton-Norwood scale for men and 1 to 3 on the Ludwig scale for women, as shown in the image below.
Principle of hair transplant
Hair transplant in Delhi operation is based on the principle of "donor dominance". Hair on the back of the head and on the sides of the head continues to grow throughout a person's life, even in a person with severe hair loss (Norwood grade 7). This hair is resistant to hormonal effects. When hair is transplanted into a bald head, it continues to grow naturally and can be washed, cut and styled as desired. This donor hair transplant banner is 4000-5000 or more grafts in most of the people prescribed in one or more sessions. As a person ages and baldness progresses, hair transplant sessions may be required in the future. Although it is difficult to predict the actual pattern of hair loss, it is important to remember that further hair loss is likely. hair transplant). Medication for hair loss can help reduce hair loss, but overall improvement is limited.
Hair loss can be treated with drug therapy, PRP (platelet rich plasma), laser hair stimulation, hair transplant (FUE, body hair transplant). Medication for hair loss can help reduce hair loss, but overall improvement is limited.
Extraction of Follicular Units (FU):
In the FUE method, follicular units are removed one by one from the back of the scalp using microtubes with a diameter of 0.8 and 1.0 mm. No stitches are required as the donor area heals within days without any visible scars. Postoperative pain is negligible and most of our patients can resume their daily activities after a maximum of 2 days.
Advanced Tha (Biostimulated Source):
This includes FUE hair transplantation as well as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which improves the condition of the remaining and transplanted hair due to the presence of higher concentrations of growth factors injected directly near the hair roots . These growth factors are extracted from the patient's own blood. PRP is immunologically neutral and poses no risk of allergic reactions, hypersensitivity reactions or foreign bodies as it is derived from the patient's own body. At the same time, the transplanted hair follicles are stored in a special solution enriched with the patient's own growth factors, and at the end of the operation, this concentrated solution of growth factors is injected into the affected area.
Clinically, biostimulation results in good support of the transplanted hair in the growth phase (anagen) so that it begins to grow immediately after transplantation. This results in earlier and better growth of transplanted hair, as well as faster recovery of the donor area.
Benefits of biostimulation in Hair Transplant Surgery in Delhi
The potential to use growth factors to promote hair growth and healing after hair transplant focuses on three functional applications:
To maintain and improve the viability of the hair follicle during and after hair transplantation;
Promote and improve tissue repair and healing after hair transplant; And,
To revive dormant hair follicles and stimulate new hair growth.
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