Best 8 Laravel development tools developers must use in 2022

Aug 19, 2022

There are plenty of tools supported by Laravel and these tools make the development process easier, faster, and hassle-free. Here are the best 8 tools every Laravel developer must use to enhance their productivity in 2022. 


Do you need to improve or speed up your development process while working on a Laravel project? Then here’s a collection of the top 8 Laravel dev tools you must use. But before digging into the tools, let’s dive into the benefits of the Laravel framework. 


Benefits of using Laravel for web application development. 


Laravel offers a high level of security and authentication. Also, Laravel comes with a simple and expressive syntax. It supports the Eloquent ORM, and Artisan CLI, and has a blade template engine. The framework also allows unit-testing that ensures easy and quick testing of smaller segments or chunks of codes. Some benefits offered by Laravel are:

  • Laravel is an open-source framework. 
  • It has vast community support. 
  • The framework supports multiple languages. 
  • It offers robust security. 
  • It can handle scheduled tasks effectively. 
  • Laravel offers high-end authentication and authorisation. 
  • It offers an expressive and easy method of routing and session handling. 
  • It offers faster development and faster TTM. 


Now, let’s explore some of the best tools Laravel developers should use in 2022. 


Laravel is an easy-to-learn framework and is one of the best frameworks based on PHP. Laravel is mainly used for the development of large-scale web applications. And one of the best things about Laravel is that it supports a wide range of tools that ensure to make the development process faster and more efficient. The best 8 tools are listed out here below. 



The very first name in the checklist of the best Laravel development tools is PHPStorm. It is mainly a PHP web development tool but is widely used in Laravel development as well as Laravel is based on PHP. One of the best features of Laravel is its smart IDE or Integrated Development Environment. From debugging and unit testing to allowing smart code navigation and code refactoring, this Laravel development tool smoothly runs simplifying the development process. In addition to this, it is an excellent PHP code formatter as well. While saving a lot of time and effort in debugging codes, this tool increases and improves the productivity of the Laravel developer


Laravel Entrust:

Laravel Entrust is the second most popular name in the list. Now, Laravel Entrust is an amazing tool that enhances the process of adding the role-based permissions. With this tool, Laravel developers can easily create these tables:

  • Roles Tables - To store the role records
  • Role_user_table - To store the one-to-many relations between users and roles
  • Permissions tables - To store the permission records
  • permission_Role_table - To store many-to-many relations between permissions and roles. 


Under these above-mentioned tables, the roles are set at various levels. Short syntax, route filter, and soft deleting are parts of this Laravel Entrust tool. 


Laravel Tinker:

Unfortunately, most Laravel web developers are not aware of the fact that this PHP-based framework contains REPL or Read-Eval-Print-Loop, that is Tinker. From the Artisan Command Line or Artisan CLI in an interactive shell, this tool lets you easily interact with the Laravel web applications. This is one of the options add-ons that need to be installed manually for using in the Laravel project. It supports all the versions of Laravel. 


Laravel Socialite:

Google, Facebook, Bitbucket, GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Gitlab, all these social media platforms have one common thing and that is the Laravel Socialite tool offers a fluent and intuitive interface to the OAuth authentication with these platforms. Laravel manages all the boilerplate social authentication codes. 


Laravel Forge:

With PHP, this Laravel development tool automates the deployment of the Laravel projects. Secure by default, the Laravel database backup helps to install the SSL certificates in a few seconds. With this tool, you can quickly and easily set up the SSH keys. Apart from these, Larave forge can help with many more things during the development process. 


Laravel Debugbar:

Laravel Debugbar is used to debug the codes and is the most widely used tool for Laravel development. This tool displays the number of queries, which have been explicitly encountered while the framework gives the details of debugging. Laravel Debugbar is frequently updated and gets refreshed with every new version of the framework as well. 



Bitbucket and Github are two staple terms often used in Laravel development. Both Bitbucket and GitHub offer git services and you can choose one as per the project requirements. The ideal option for small-scale Laravel projects is Bitbucket whereas GitHub is a good choice for large-scale web apps. 


Google NoCaptcha:

Google NoCaptcha is an important tool in the checklist and offers Google’s reCaptcha validation. This tool helps to keep the Google NoCaptcha at bay. To make the tool work, you will need an API key from the re-Captcha. 


A smooth, efficient, and fast web development experience is ensured by these Laravel development tools discussed above in the article. However, choosing the right tool is also important as per the project requirements. 


Jonathan Paul is a dedicated and expert Laravel developer associated with a leading Laravel development company, PHPProgrammers. The author has written this article to outline the top 8 tools Laravel developers must use in 2022 for a faster, simplified, hassle-free, and smoother development process.

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