Beat Eczema Review - Eczema may be a harbinger of food allergy

Posted by Cindra Viana
May 30, 2012
Image Beat Eczema Review - Experts warn parents, one of the most common types of eczema may indicate a risk for food allergies. Previously, allergy was considered a consequence of eating certain foods.

If a child is found atopic dermatitis (allergic disease), this means that parents should watch with attention the fact that he eats and what his reaction would be. "Given that 6-10% of children suffer from atopic dermatitis, and about a third of them are developing food allergies, the number of children with allergies is significant,

The conclusions of scientists are based on five years of work with children aged 3-18 months who had a corpuscular dermatitis. This disease is characterized by red, itchy inflammation of the skin lesions. Approximately 15% of the children also suffered from allergies to foods, including children with the milder forms of the disease. Children with more severe symptoms of dermatitis risk of developing allergies to foods was significantly elevated More info about Susan Clark Beat Eczema Review.

In humans with atopic dermatitis, scientists have discovered quite a number of immunoglobulin E, which is usually produced when the blood flow to get foreign proteins. In this case, the person develops an allergic reaction. "In many cases, patients first encounter with dermatitis, and then - with an allergy to food. That is why parents of kids with this skin disease should be very careful, "- the expert concludes.
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