Be Aware Of The Ink Cartridge Troubleshooting Tips With Canon Printer Customer Service

Posted by Marry Linda
Apr 29, 2016

Cartridge is a very important part of the printer that always need to keep free of trouble, so that you could not get any type of printing issue.Thus, here you will come to know about many of the useful tips for cartridge dealing with many of the other issues concerning to the printer.

·         Install the cartridge properly

Do not remove the protective wrapping till you are not using because this make the ink cartridge to last longer. Clean the cycle once while running the head and check for printing whether you have installed the printer properly or not.

·         When print quality is not good

Run the printhead cycle two or three time and if it does not , then you need to call on the Canon printer Customer Service.

·         When unable to recognize the ink cartridge

First of all check whether you have removed the plastic strip or not and then remove it from the printer keeping the switch off for two minutes and then on the printer by making the reinstallation of the ink cartridge.

·         If you get only white pages as the print

In this case you should be sure that you have removed the tape from the printhead and check for the air entered inside it or not. Shake the cartridge lightly with the use of the absorbent paper.

·         When cartridge leaks

This usually occurs when internal pressure in not balanced properly. Here you need to reset the cartridge by making it facing down on a paper towel and allow it to get balance.

·         When you get white lines and streaks

It may be that would have worn or have got dirty or may be clogged. Here you need to moisten the towel and then gently need to wipe the contacts of the printer and also avoid touching the contacts with the printers. Now soak the print head in warm water and then  blemish it with the towel and then make the reinstalling with the use of the printer cleaning cycle.

·         Color mixing issue

This is usually caused because of the color bleeding of one in to another. To resolve this problem you need set the cartridge in the print head down in the folded and moisten paper towel and then again reinsert that in to the printer. If this way you do not get the solution then you are required to have the Canon printer customer service.

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