Battery Life Enhancer for Old Used Batteries

Posted by Energy and Fire
Feb 24, 2018

Electricity has now become a basic need for everyone and will continue to play an important part in our development in the coming century. We have become totally dependent on electricity for our day to day work. Our homes, offices, factories and even our vehicles run on or use some type of electronic device.

A battery is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy or stores electrical energy for future use. Every type of battery has its own capacity which is the extent to which it can store or generate energy. Rechargeable batteries have a use time after which it needs to be charged again for further use and normal batteries have a life after which they are useless and need to be disposed.

Unfortunately, the batteries don't generate or operate to their full potential; there is always a factor of power loss either due to heat or through other chemical hurdles that they face. So, this means if theoretically a rechargeable battery is supposed to work for 10 hours after being fully charged, in real life it will only be able to work for 5-6 hours. Because of the external factors, batteries are only able to operate at 50 to 60 percent of their capacity.

Thankfully now all this can be changed, modern technology has made it possible for us to eliminate some of these resisting factors. Now a Battery Life Enhancer device can be attached to a battery which helps battery to eliminate such problems and operate within its full capacity.

Energy and Fire(E&F) provides a variety of battery life enhancement products, along with battery rejuvenation services and free battery health checkups in India.  Following are the three most effective battery life enhancement products from Energy and Fire(E&F), namely an X Charger, a Self-watering system for batteries and an Elixir Additive.

 Battery Life Enhancer

X Charger

X-Charger is an Automatic, Programmable Multi-Battery and Multi-voltage Recharging device. It works by diagnosing, regenerating, recharging and reviving the lost potential of all Lead Acid Battery.


An X Charger can be used on all types of Batteries like Flooded, Tubular, SMF, AGM and VRLA.


Self-Watering System

E&F Self Watering System is used for inverter batteries which use water, it works by automatically maintaining the water level in the battery which further improves its performance and extends its battery life. This robust and heavy duty system operates on battery supply itself so it does not require any external power supply.


Furthermore it can fit with both a single battery and two batteries of the same inverter. It requires no technical help to set up and any one can do it himself easily.


Elixir Additive

Elixir is a liquid solution which can be used along with an X-charger machine to rejuvenate the used Batteries. Elixir comes in two formulations, first Elixir Auto /Desulphator which is best for 6 to 24 volts batteries, and Elixir XTR which is best for 24 to 144 volts industrial lead acid batteries.

It can also be paired with a Pulse Charger, which prevents Sulphation on Battery plates with the combination of Electro - Chemical process using Pulse technology. This can be most effective when used on battery within the first year.

This way the old used batters can be revive using these battery life enhancers and one can save a huge amount of money that might require buying a new battery.

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