Bad breath remedy: Natural way to get relief
An unpleasant odour from my mouth can change the way people treat you and have a negative effect on your confidence and relationships. Bad breath occurs due to the decay and gives build up in the teeth. Regular cleaning is necessary for teeth and gums to be healthy. Read on to learn how to cure bad breath.
Poor oral hygiene is the main reason for bad breath. There can be several reasons for it as dental cavities, gum disease, poor oral hygiene, yellow coating on the tongue are the most common one. Sometimes malnutrition, dry mouth and uncontrolled diabetes also result in bad breath. Whatever the cause, treatment involves correcting the underlying disorders. Natural remedies do not replace a visit to the doctor they will keep your breath fresh until the problem gets taken care of. Home-based Bad Breadth remedy for discussed below.
Water to moisture your mouth- Dry mouth can make your breath smell. One of the natural ways is to rinse your mouth with salt water as it will face your breath. Drinking water at a regular time will not lead to dry your mouth and have saliva which helps to keep your mouth clean.
Brush and floss your teeth regularly- Whatever you eat gets stuck on the teeth and create plaque. So, we should brush our teeth properly twice a day and cleaning the surface in between becomes necessary. It is advisable to floss once a day in between your teeth. It helps to prevent bad breath and also help your teeth look good and healthy.
Serape your teeth regularly- The tongue is covered with the coat of bacteria, dead cells and food particle. So it becomes important that the surface of the tongue should be cleaned for complete oral cavity protection. And this can be one of the many common reasons for bad breath. The surface has many microorganism and when they are cleaned properly result in good oral hygiene where there is no bad breath.
Rinse your mouth properly- It is advisable that we rinse our teeth not only after brushing our teeth but also after every meal properly so that the debris does not get deposited in between the teeth and tongue and get cleaned away.
Chew a handful of cloves, fennel seeds, and piece of lemon or rind for mouth- freshening burst of flavour. This is some more Bad Breadth Remedies. After trying all over homemade natural remedies the unpleasant breath persists then it very important to consult a dentist and find out the reason behind offensive breathe and provide the treatment to remove it.