Animation as a Profession: Things You Need to Know

Posted by Muit N.
Nov 4, 2019

There was a time when sketch pens, colored pencils and even crayons were used to design cartoons and colorful characters on paper. Inspired from this, emerged animation.

Animation is an interesting field of work. It requires you to have an imaginative and artistic bent of mind. If you are planning to be an animator, you first have to understand the meaning and fundamentals of animation.

What is animation?

Animation is a technique wherein pictures and sketches are manipulated in such a manner that they appear to be moving. Here, one image succeeds other in a rapid manner and are made to follow a sequence. Animation is widely used in short films, feature films, animated gifs, video games, motion graphics and special effects.

Animation has made tremendous progress over the years. It is now being used by almost every industry to advertise or to spread a social awareness about their brand. Some of the industries that are extensively putting animation to use are entertainment, architecture and construction, and education.

What are the skills that you require to become an animator?

Such widespread is the use of animation that it has now become rewarding a career as well. If you are planning to be an animator, there is a specific skillset that you must develop apart from having a keen interest in sketching and drawing. Here are some skills that you require to become an animator:

1. Think creatively

Animation is majorly about attracting attention of the viewers. You can do this by putting a lot of creativity to your work. You have to think out-of-the box and develop a piece that will arouse viewers’ interest. A monotonous and ordinary looking piece of animation will drive away the spectators and your work will fail to garner praise that you aspire.

2. Pay attention to details

Animation is the work imagination. You can give a fine shape to your imagination only if you pay attention to details. If your animation is neatly designed and includes the elements of finesse, your work will surely capture the eyes of a viewer. Hence, it is extremely important for an animator to possess an eye for details.

3. Have an in-depth knowledge of software and tools

It would require more than just being good at sketching. You must possess an exhaustive knowledge of the tools and software that are required to create an animation. Having the expertise of using the latest animation tools and software will increase your market worth. From Adobe Flash to Illustrator, there are several tools and software that you may have to learn to use.

4. Communicate Skillfully

One of the jobs of an animator is to advertise and spread message through his animation. He has to convey to the viewers what his client tells him to convey. This requires him to have a frank and skillful communication with his client.

What course you should do after 10+2 if you want to become an animator?

If want to pursue animation after your high school, you take up B.Sc. in Animation and Multimedia. This course introduces students to skills that are needed to become an animator and the technology that is used to create a fine piece of animation.

Animation can be a rewarding career. All you need is to possess the right skillset and required qualification. After you have completed your studies in animation, you can get a job in gaming industry, film industry, news channels, website development and graphic designing. The scope is enormous in animation.

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