An Insight into Dental Braces

Posted by Lucy Petterson
Dec 22, 2019
If you’re about to become one out of the millions of people all over the world who opt to wear braces to align or straighten teeth, improve your bite,fix gaps between teeth, improve your smile or your overall dental health; then you are sure to have loads of questions in your mind. This write up would help you answer a lot of them.

Conventional metal or ceramic braces

Let us start from the beginning. Well, it takes about 2 hours to get your braces fixed. It could hurt a little as certain parts of the process involve application of little pressure. However, overall, it cannot be called a painful process.

Let’s guide you through the process- 

Spacers - If your back teeth are very close together, practitioners of Orthodontics South East London might put spacers or rubber bands between them, typically for about a week before your braces are fixed. This creates enough space for the band to fit around the hind teeth. In some cases,  might leave your back teeth and jaw a little sore.

Cleaning - Your teeth need to be super clean and dry before a practitioner of orthodontics South East London can put braces on them. 

Gluing the brackets - Brackets are the little metal or ceramic pieces that hold the wires. A little amount of specialized glue is used to attach the brackets. Then a little blue light is focused on the teeth, that ensures they get stuck.

Putting the bands - Metal bands are fixed at the end of the molars to anchor the braces. 

Attaching the arch wire - Little rubber bands are put around each bracket. This is a fun part as you get to choose the color you want!

Lingual braces

Lingual braces also have a similar procedure, the only difference being they are fixed on the backside of the teeth. Such a procedure may take a little longer than the conventional braces. Also, only specially trained and experienced practitioners of orthodontics South East London would be able carry it out.  

Pain management

If the pain is hindering your daily routine, you may ask your dentist to prescribe some pain killers. The brackets or wires could also result in some sore places in your mouth, due to rubbing against the insides of your cheeks. Your practitioner of orthodontics South East London would give you wax to cover such places to avoid the rubbing.

Otherwise, rinsing with a saltwater solution also helps relieve such pain. Other options include the application of topical an aesthetic gels on the sore spots.

And worry not, this discomfort won't last beyond a month's time, by then your mouth would have got adjusted to the braces.

Taking care of the braces

Once you have had the braces put on, you would have to take extra time, effort and care to brush your teeth multiple times a day to prevent stains or cavities on your teeth. If you are unable to brush after each snack or meal, the least you could do is swish with water. You should also consider switching to using special tools like a water flosser or an interproximal brush. Such a brush ensures cleaning underneath the archwire and between your teeth, thus preventing breeding ground of cavities causing bacteria.

Foods you can eat with braces 

With braces in place, you would have to restrict the kind of food you can eat. It is recommended you consume soft foods for the first few days after you get your braces put on or adjusted. This way you can minimize pain from chewing. You can try out foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soft fruits like bananas, ice-creams, drinks like smoothies that are not only soft but tummy-filling too!

Food to avoid with braces

Practitioners of orthodontics South East London recommend you to avoid consuming certain foods for as long as you have braces. The list includes any kind of hard, chewy, and sticky food. They also advise you to stay away from food like nuts, chewing gum, popcorn, corn on the cob, etc.

My Two Cents

It can be said that there are two biggest days in the life of someone with braces. The first is the day they get their braces on, and second is the day they get it off! You need a specialized and experienced orthodontist to be able to do a good, less painful and impeccable job. Such a process calls for a lot of experience and foresight on the part of the orthodontist. So, it would be a wise decision to do a lot of research before you finalize on an orthodontist. One such remarkable dental team is The Mindful Dentist.

The Mindful Dentist

The Mindful Dentist is located at 73-75 Church Road, London SE19 2TA. They are one of the top-class practitioners of orthodontics South East London. So, if you wish to correct your teeth alignment or know more about Dental Implants South East London, the Mindful Dentist is your best bet.

If you are searching Private Dentist Near Me, Just call 0208 771 7888 or drop an email at You can even visit to schedule an appointment. 

Today…. Right now…. Is the time to gain back your confidence! Plan for correcting your teeth alignment or for dental implants South East London at The Mindful Dentist right away!
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