All You Need to Know About Upgrading Your Laptop's Hardware

Posted by Ami Jaction
Jul 10, 2017

While going to upgrade your laptop hardware you may be aware about the issues and the solutions that may be encounter. While upgrading if any issues found the users can directly contact at hp envy support which is available 24*7 hours.

When you buy a prebuilt laptop from the manufacturer, they use a custom case/chassis and choose the components that can be fit to that case. But if we talk about the modern ultra book and Apple MacBook they are becoming thin and light day by day and they are not easy to user-upgradable.

Barriers while upgrading a laptop:

Here are the lists of issue that can be faced while updating the laptop hardware is as Design, Opening laptop, Soldered on Components and warranty.

Design: Many laptops are not designed to open, they are tightly packed and messed of components and the battery is also tightly messed, so it is very difficult to replace or open.

Opening it: The Laptops have many tightly fixed components, so to remove the particular components you will have to remove many other components from the laptop. If you are not experienced in opening the laptop it is better not to open.

Soldered on components: Some devices come with components soldered on with the CPU, GPU, and RAM soldered on motherboard so the components are not easy to remove and install a new one.

Warranty: Some of the manufacturers say that if you have opened your laptop, it can void your warranty. If you are doing so then you may have to remove a warranty-voiding sticker to get inside.

Bulkier and upgrade-friendly:

The below listed upgrades can be easily up upgraded in old laptops as

Installing RAM: Some laptop came with memory panel which is located on the bottom of the laptop which is easy to open and remove. So, if you are willing for extra RAM you can add it from the extra slot of RAM if available.

SSD Upgradeable: If your laptop is running with slower mechanical hard drive and want to upgrade it to a faster solid-state drive it can be done very easily. This can be done by opening up your laptop, removing the current hard drive, and installing the solid-state drive in its place.

SSD to Optical Drive: To keep the laptop’s internal drive and want to install a solid-state drive, you may be able to replace the laptops optical such as CD, DVD, or Blu-ray drive with a solid-state drive.

So, if it is better not to open your laptop by your own, to upgrade your laptop hardware you are required to contact with hp Laptop support number for any upgraded issue. Here the best tech support will be offered for your issue at just minimum cost.

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