Posted by TheGurukul School
Sep 23, 2019
The growing years of a child's life are the most crucial. Children learn fundamental lessons that last for the rest of their lives. Parents put their heart and money into making the child learn good habits. The needs of children change with age. The most important aspect of a child and parent's life is education. Education is a fundamental right offered by the Constitution of India. It emphasizes how vital education is for the wholesome growth of a child, who is the future of the country.

School is the temple of education and growth, an essential part of a child's education. At the time of graduation, the child can decide his/her major based on his learning from school. In addition to studies, schools play a vital role in developing the moral character of the child. A school is a place where the child learns values and also learns the basis of choosing between right and wrong. A subject called value education has been made a part of every school's curriculum. A class related to value education is held weekly in every school. Here students discuss different values like honesty, obedience, etc. Also, Value-based questions are included at the end of every chapter to make the child's learning process more holistic. Schools induce a sense of regularity and discipline in children, which is helpful in the long run. 

Various co-curricular activities are offered to children except for studies. These activities help remove the monotony of textbook education. They offer children a platform to explore his/her talents. They develop a sportsman's spirit in the child. 

All these factors make school a wholesome experience for the child. This is the reason why parents are willing to spend all their life savings to admit their child to a quality school. The right school ensures the proper development of the child. 

When talking about good education, and the best schools in Panchkula, The Gurukul becomes the most popular choice. One of the top-ranked schools in Panchkula, The Gurukul provides quality education to children. The school aims at bringing out the best in children by extending their conventional boundaries. The school is made with world-class infrastructure. Innovative teaching methods are employed to make learning fun and wholesome for children. There is a range of extra-curricular activities organized. They help the children in learning beyond the classroom, exploring and developing their talents. Highly qualified teachers give students personal attention. The school ensures complete safety of the students with the help of multiple surveillance methods.

The school has given marvels to the country. Manan Kapoor, the author of The Lamentations of a Sombre Sky, is an alumnus of the school. According to Kapoor, his writing venture wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for his school. The school offered him the correct opportunities for his talent to blossom. Another alumnus is Dance India Dance 2013 finalist Manan Sachdeva. The dancer celebrity says that the school offered him support for coordinating his dancing career and academics. Devir Singh Bhandari, CEO of DSB Entertainment and Productions Pvt Ltd, belongs to the school as well. He is the youngest CEO and filmmaker. He believes that his school made him the real achiever that he is. 
Gurukul is one of the best options for the holistic development of a child. With high-class facilities and excellent faculty, the child can learn to achieve his/her ultimate goals at The Gurukul. The child can become the star she/he was born to be, in this school.

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