All about Dental Implants

Posted by Stunning Dentistry
Oct 5, 2022

There is nothing as embarrassing as spotting missing teeth while being social. Though the face mask might help you in a few awkward situations, it is always not so. This is where a tooth replacement for the empty tooth space can come in handy.

Dental implants are artificial, permanent teeth set in place and can last as long as 10 to 12 years or more. It is the best cure for missing teeth or even severely damaged teeth in the long term. Implants take support from the bone underneath the jaws and are highly durable when compared to bridges and dentures.

How do Dental Implants work?

Implants are metal screws placed in a solid support structure which in this case is the jaw bone. It anchors and unites to the bone. This treatment works on the principle of osseointegration. This means the bone and implant screw fuse together through the bone cells that attach to it, making it resilient. This fixture with the screw is covered superficially by an implant abutment followed by a tooth crown that fills the space of the missing teeth in the mouth.

A dental implant is used when damaged teeth are removed leaving one or more missing spaces between teeth.This treatment serves useful when the bone support is good enough to support the prosthesis along with healthy gingiva to facilitate greater treatment success.

Preparation for implant placement

It all starts with a standard evaluation of the oral structure with a basic dental examination, x-rays, 3D images, and models cast from impressions drawn to estimate the overall oral structure and number of missing teeth taken into consideration.

Implications of medical conditions of the patient should be considered while curating the treatment plan and the efficacy of the treatment. This is because conditions wherein bone loss is present or is likely over time need a thorough review for possible bone grafting.

In cases of any cardiac conditions, the patients need to inform the doctor so that required medication and care are given to prevent infection while undergoing treatment. The treatment plan is then formulated by a group of experts such as a prosthodontist, oral maxillofacial surgeon, and periodontist. There are so many choices for teeth implants in India and some of the notable brands ruling the industry are Nobel Biocare, Zimmer, Bio Horizon, Dentium, Osstem, Alpha Bio, Straumann, Ankylos, ADIN, and Bredent Blue Sky.

Are Dental Implants painful?

Since implants involve a tiny drilling procedure into the bone there might be slight discomfort during the treatment. But it won't be painful as the area will be anesthetized for painless dental implant placement. However, any slight bleeding from the site or pain can be managed easily. Even the quickest dental implant done require a few weeks for the bone to heal after screw placement so it is important to follow measures to keep the implant site clean and free of debris. 

Maintenance of dental implants

There are many in-house dental implant maintenance that can be followed such as the use of interdental brushes and dental flossing which will be explained by the dentist post treatment.

Dental implant crowns look as realistic as your other natural teeth and have the same matching colour as the other teeth for a complete look. You can get affordabledental implants in Delhi and is the most successful treatment method so far. You can schedule your appointment soon and get your cost-effective dental implant.


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