About Difference Between Traditional Sinus Surgery Vs Balloon Sinuplasty

Posted by Antonio C.
Jan 23, 2014

Today it can be seen that many people suffer from sinusitis. Sometimes it may not get cured with some antibiotics or the home remedies and a surgery is inevitable at that time. There are two types of surgeries that are traditional surgery and balloon sinuplasty. We firstly need to understand the difference between two and see which can be better and most suitable. We can have a look between the differences of two and see which can be most suitable.

The Traditional Surgery

There are four areas of sinuses and any one of them can get affected by the chronic sinusitis. Traditional sinus surgery takes in removing of bones or tissue that can make the blockage of the sinus cavities and does not let them drain neatly. An ENT specialist also gives the local anesthesia, puts an endoscope with visual effects so that he can see the sinus cavity closely. He also makes use of tube like another instrument so that the cavity can be seen. Sall tissues or bones in sinuses are taken out and the blockage is released. The process will take one to three hours and you can be discharged on the same day. The doctors will also tell you about how to look after the sinus after the surgery. Doctor will also give you medicines and other medication.

Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon Sinuplasty is a kind of endoscopic surgery. In this surgery, a balloon is inserted into swollen cavity of sinus. The balloon makes effect on the sinus tissues. A catheter is then out inside to reduce the pressure. The main difference between Balloon Sinuplasty and traditional sinus surgery is that no tissues or bones are replaced. Bleeding will be less and recovery period is shorter, say 24-48 hours. Doctors give some medicines with this process to help in lessening the infection. This is preferred over the traditional one because this is easy, convenient and also takes less time. So if you are going through the chronic sinusitis and want to go for a surgery then you have to consult a good ENT specialist in your area and he can guide you in the right way. Balloon Sinuplasty can be safest option that you can opt for your sinus problems. So simply you need to understand the basic difference between the two and see which can be the most suitable for you. Simply get the surgery done and get rid of the sinus forever.

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