A Step By Step Guide On How To Write A Good Assignment

Posted by Alley John
Sep 10, 2020

Assignments are part and parcel of a student's life. Some look forward to it and most run away from it. So, today we have prepared a list that will help all the individuals in knowing how to write a good assignment.  Although assignment writing is not a cakewalk, it is not an impossible job either.

1. Having an outline

Wondering how to write a good assignment? When you have an outline ready for your assignment, it gives you a fresh perspective. It helps you to

ü Check the worth of the assignment and how much weightage it carries in your final exams.

ü Check the importance of each question and analyze the patterns of how your tutor will grade them.

ü Manage time.

ü Give each task a deadline so that you do not pile up the tasks.

2. Analysing the question in front of you

A vast majority of individuals commit a mistake of not reading and analysing the questions correctly. The right way to approach an assignment is to analyse the problem first. You must ask yourself

ü What does the question demand from you?

ü What does the question mean, and what do you have to do?

If you have difficulty in interpreting the meaning of the question, try re-writing the question in your language. You will see that the problem will start to make sense.

3. Gathering resources

Collecting study materials and researching for the topic is as important as planning. To search for relevant articles, first of all, you need to have clarity of what the topic is about and what do the questions demand. You will find some of the information in your course materials and the recommended section.

You must never forget that you should only research for relevant content. Your research should have good depth.  To find updated course materials, you can also visit archives and encyclopaedias run by subject experts.

4. Studying in small chunks

After you have gathered all the necessary information in one place, it is essential to give them a review. Indeed, all the information you have accumulated may not be required. You have to fine-tune the course materials by skimming through them and identifying the relevant points.

5. Table of contents

This is the first step towards writing your assignment. It is preferred that you prepare the table of contents first. It will help you have a rough idea about what to expect from your answers.

6. Knowing the right structure

Following the right structure is one of the most important things that you must abide by. You must know what kind of an assignment you are given, as there are several kinds of assignments.

An essay, for example, is usually segmented into three parts-

ü Introduction

ü Body and

ü Conclusion

The introduction and the conclusion consist of one paragraph each, and the body may be subdivided into three sections.

Whereas a research paper consists of

ü The title page

ü Abstract

ü Introduction

ü Results

ü Discussion

ü Conclusion

ü Bibliography, or references

It is essential to figure out the correct format of your assignment. If your assignment doesn't meet the required structure, it may be possible that your tutor decides to leave it unchecked.

7. Writing your assignment

It is highly recommended that you start your assignment with a gripping introduction. It is the introduction that makes your assignment attractive. Then carefully proceed to: -

ü Provide background data and information on the principal issue

ü Never forget to state facts and use statistics by adding mathematical figures like; bar, line graphs and pie charts

8. All’s well that ends well

An effective and relevant conclusion is just as important as an attractive introduction. You must always keep it in mind that the outcome is your last chance to prove to the reader that you have made a valid point. It should briefly summarise the main points, thereby stating the aim.

Once you are done with all these steps, you can still improve on it by editing it and proofreading it. Hope this write-up is worth your time.

Reference From- How To Write A Good Assignment

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