A Healthy Digestive System: Top 8 Nutritional Tips To Remember
A healthy gut improves immune system functioning, enhances cognitive function and mood, improves sleep quality and initiates weight loss. We all love to eat. Some follow a healthy lifestyle while others fall prey to imbalanced health and diet.
Navigate the health consultants’ business directory in the UK to book a consultation with a nutritionist. Before that, let’s explore certain tips to maintain digestive system efficacy.
Nutritional tips for a healthy digestive system
The digestive system plays a prudent role to break down food into simpler substances so that it can be easily absorbed by the cells, tissues and organs of the body. To maintain the optimum function of the digestive system, here are a few nutritional tips to remember.
Eat adequate amino acid glutamine
Decrease consumption of sugar-rich and processed food. Including glutamine-rich foods such as animal protein, eggs, fish, nuts, beans and tofu will help in intestinal cell repair and renewal. The intestinal wall is susceptible to inflammation if you consume a diet high in sugar and processed food extensively. Amino acid glutamine supports healthy cell renewal.
Include pre-biotic fibres in your diet
Pre-biotic fibres are hard to digest but the intestinal bacteria help in their absorption by the cells. Including pre-biotic fibres in your diet can help in mitigating heart diseases. Onion and raw garlic are the most favoured pre-biotic fibres. You can also opt for apples, black seeds and dark chocolate. There are numerous health consultants in London to choose from to obtain an efficient nutritional diet chart.
Design a diet rich in zinc
Zinc-rich foods help in hydrochloric acid (HCL) formation in the stomach. The acidic environment of the stomach helps in the preliminary phase of protein digestion. Symptoms of acid reflux are common digestive symptoms triggered by low HCL production. It further stimulates gas, bloating, inflammation issues and fermentation. Food rich in zinc supports HCL production, which stresses food and prevents the entry of the pathogen into the digestive system.
Include approximately 30g of fibre per day
Fibre is beneficial for our gut microbes. To enhance bowel movement and decrease constipation, include at least 30g of fibre in your diet every day. Fibre-rich foods help in weight management, thereby, keeping you energetic throughout the day. Prepare a vegetable meal once a week involving chickpeas, lentils and beans, which are potential sources of fibre and vegetarian protein. Find a healthcare consulting company in the UK for additional nutritional tips.
Eat plenty of vegetables
Vegetables are a key source of soluble and insoluble fibres. Dietary fibres support a healthy microbiome balance, thereby, facilitating efficient bowel movement. Most fruits and vegetables are high in fibre. Others include flaxseeds, dates, beans, legumes and chia seeds.
Prioritise fermented foods over pre-biotic supplements
Fermented foods such as kombucha, live yoghurt, kaffir, sauerkraut, kimchi and tempeh contain bacteria produced by the fermentation process. These bacteria help in balancing the friendly bacteria in the gut, thereby, improving our health and well-being. Don’t rely on pre-biotic supplements and include fermented foods in your diet regularly.
Eat bitter and carminative foods
Rocket, watercress and chicory are bitters, which help in stimulating digestive secretion. Fennel is carminative, which possesses digestive calming benefits. Carminatives support healthy digestive function by relieving bloating and gas and relaxing the smooth muscles to prevent spasms and cramping.
Include food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids possess anti-inflammatory benefits. It helps in supporting digestive functions. Oily fish are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be easily converted into a metabolically active form. Plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids include chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, Brussels sprouts and walnuts.
Ideally, all nutrients come from the food we consume. So, healthy eating is important to stay away from diseases. If your daily diet lacks adequate nutrients, your physical and mental health will be impacted. Search the health consultants’ business directory in the UK to schedule an appointment with a nutritionist to get a perfect diet plan today!