A Guide to Watering and Fertilising Your Soft Leaf Buffalo Turf

Posted by Turf Supplies
Sep 12, 2022
Property owners think that maintaining a lawn is a chaotic task, but the fact is that if performed regularly, this thing will not give you any pain at all. 

This statement is more closely related to soft leaf buffalo turf that can be maintained simply by two watering per week. 

You have to ensure that it is established well and there are some recommendations given by turf suppliers regarding this that we have covered in this post.


Regarding this turf, the first recommendation is that the new lawn should be mowed as soon as the roots are down. This will take around 2 weeks in the summer season and up to 6 weeks in the winter season and next up, we read about how to apply fertiliser in palmetto soft leaf buffalo lawn.


Whether to apply fertiliser or not would mainly depend upon the colour that it gets after the first cut. New lawns require more fertiliser for the first one and half years and once the turf is fully-established, this requirement will get minimised. 

Experts recommend fertilising in smaller quantities and frequently when your lawn starts to lose colour. It will undoubtedly go dormant in the winter season and to make sure that it does not lose its colour, you need to keep it fertilised.

There is also the option of treating it with a foliar spray that gives nutrients to the leaves during the winter season. Using this method, this turf can be supplied an adequate amount of iron and manganese to maintain the colour and health of roots during the winter season.


In some situations, the soil underneath the turf dries and in this situation, the first thing to do is check the sprinklers and ensure that they are working perfectly. A new lawn will require more water as compared to a fully established lawn and this watering has to continue until the roots have been established firmly. 

In other words, there is nothing bad in watering this lawn twice a day in the winter season and more than three times a day in the heat of the Australian summer season. 

The soil's moisture will play a major role in the perfect growth of soft leaf buffalo turf. Lack of water can be easily detected by the change in the colour of the lawn that starts turning into blue and the leaves start to fold up. If not attended on time, they will turn trip crispy and from there, brown before drying completely.


Just like any other turf, experts recommend watering palmetto soft leaf buffalo turf during the sunrise and never after the sun has set. 

Watering your lawn during the night is simply a waste of water because the turf goes dormant and do not take up the water. 

It has also been observed that night watering could promote fungal problem because the humidity in the soil increases to make it ideal for fungal growth.

In a fully grown turf, experts recommend watering once a day for 15 to 20 minutes, but this time could extend depending on the water pressure or the configuration of your sprinkler system.

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