A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring a Dedicated MERN Developer: Factors to Consider

Posted by JS Panther
May 1, 2023

Are you looking to boost your sales and increase revenue? Of course, you are! However, the standard website or application won't cut it. Recent studies suggest that 48% of individuals consider website layout when judging a company's legitimacy. Consequently, you must look beyond regular Javascript and HTML techniques and employ an experienced MERN stack developer to build tailored web applications.

A MERN stack developer provides your business with a distinct advantage. They can construct dynamic websites and applications using various frameworks, libraries, and databases. 

Not sure who a MERN stack developer is and why you should hire one? Read on to discover why employing a MERN stack developer is crucial for your online venture.

Before getting into the details, we should familiarize ourselves with the MERN stack.

Let's discuss. 

What is the MERN stack?

Taking advantage of a comprehensive set of technologies, MERN stack development has risen in demand all over the globe. Every element of the MERN stack is the perfect choice for both web and mobile app development. Primarily, the appeal of the MERN stack is its use of JavaScript throughout the entire application development process.

MERN stack is composed of four distinct technologies:

  • M stands for MongoDB, a NoSQL database management system.

  • E stands for Express Js, a web application backend framework.

  • R stands for React Js, a JavaScript library that creates UIs based on UI components.

  • N for Node Js enables JavaScript to operate outside browsers using the Js runtime environment.

A MERN stack developer teams up to develop web apps using a three-tiered approach that includes:

  • Front-end display tier (React Js)

  • Application tier (Express Js and Node Js)

  • Database tier (MongoDB)

What to check for while hiring MERN stack developers?

  • HTTP (Hypertext Markup Language)

To create engaging and visually appealing websites, MERN full-stack developers use HTTP to instruct web browsers about how the page should be structured. This includes information about the layout, colors, fonts, and more. HTTP enables developers to create compelling and attractive websites.

  • JavaScript

In order to create dynamic and attractive webpages, MERN stack developers must possess an understanding of JavaScript. Through JavaScript, developers can insert various forms of multimedia content, such as audio, video, and more, into the webpage.

  • CSS

Creating an effective web page requires more than just arranging elements, the right color combination, captivating graphics, and other details are equally important. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) provide the tools for all of this, including the ability to style a website's colors, text, buttons, and tables. CSS also assists in setting the page layout so that it is suitable for various device screens and sizes. This makes it essential for a MERN stack developer to have a working knowledge of CSS to divide and format content correctly.

  • Visual studio VS code

MERN stack developers will benefit from Visual Studio Code, as it provides valuable features such as smart code completion, built-in debugging, and syntax highlighting that aid in eliminating errors and bugs.

Furthermore, developers love using Visual Studio Code as it can be used with multiple programming languages, and its extensions allow customized applications. MERN stack developers must be aware of the advantages of Visual Studio Code.

  • Sass

Sass, also known as Syntactically Awesome Style, is an extension of Cascading Style Sheets used to increase the aesthetic appeal of websites and minimize repetition. First released in 2006, it has continued to be favored by the masses for its advantages, such as imports, variables, and nested rules. For MERN stack developers, it is vital to understand how to apply Sass as it is currently the most dependable and extensively utilized CSS pre-processor.

  • Bootstrap

Bootstrap is an essential User Interface tool that allows coders to employ JavaScript templates to efficiently and effectively customize and design websites that are responsively adapted.

Through Bootstrap, developers can establish a website's foundation without repeatedly coding each component individually. Consequently, it is essential for those aiming for their website to appear consistent across different browsers to understand the value of Bootstrap.

Why Hire MERN Stack Developers?

According to W3Techs, an astounding 97.6% of websites are created from JavaScript. Even well-known websites like Google, Facebook, and YouTube utilize JavaScript. Therefore, it is accurate to declare that JavaScript will continue to be the premier web development technology.

Consequently, you should hire a reliable MERN stack developer to maintain dominance in JavaScript. Moreover, the MERN development team can also help with the following.

  • Save development time

MERN stack developers boast a high level of proficiency in four JavaScript languages, enabling them to take care of both front-end and backend operations. As a result, they can expedite your project by being capable of performing different stages of development.

  • Economical

A MERN developer can be a more economical option when hiring, as they can manage all the necessary aspects of a project from design to interface to database operations, both front-end and backend. Having just one developer with MERN knowledge eliminates the need for other developers to complete the job.

  • Competitive Edge

MERN developers are highly experienced and boast a broad knowledge base that allows them to work with various websites and applications. They are also proficient in implementing the most advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Virtual Reality.

Therefore, if you want to develop groundbreaking business applications and attain a competitive advantage, you should definitely hire dedicated MERN developers.

  • Low development cost

MERN stack development services are ideal for startups and small companies that are conscious of their budget. Utilizing the four open-source MERN technologies, businesses can construct cutting-edge websites and applications without much expense. All that is necessary is to hire a qualified MERN developer, and the development process can be done quickly and efficiently.

  • Attractive user interface

It's alarming to learn that 38% of users will turn away from a website if they don't like its design layout. Fortunately, ReactJS makes it easy to create a customized user interface based on your vision. This programming language allows you to organize and tailor code libraries to your design structure.

To Sum Up

MERN Stack development is a powerful and efficient method for creating reliable, scalable, and highly customizable applications. With modular components that can be used alone or in combination, the MERN stack offers developers a way to develop applications with project-specific customizations. This versatility is critical to keep in mind when looking to hire MERN Stack developers.

To guarantee success in your project, you must ensure that any potential MERN stack developers meet the requirements outlined in this article. Otherwise, you will be hiring individuals who can ruin your chances of success. 

Reach out to us now to hire MERN app developers for your upcoming venture.

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