A Complete Guide for Medical & Non-Medical Treatments of Insomnia

Posted by Reece Giblin
Aug 14, 2018

Insomnia is not a disease to be trifled with, if you feel often feel fatigue during the daytime without any clear reason and you fail to get slumbers at night then it’s a heads-up for you. People may find it difficult to fall asleep for brief periods, that’s not fretful but if the condition lasts longer then you should seek help without wasting any time.

If an individual has deeply affected by a sleep disorder like insomnia then he might face restless and sleepless nights regularly. Even if someone manages to conk out, he/she will often face frequent awakenings and it would be difficult for the person to fall asleep again.

An individual suffering from the unpleasant effect of insomnia should start with a consultation with a primary health care physician. If the doctor is knowledgeable about sleep disorders, then he/she would thoroughly guide the patient about the next procedures of the treatment and would give some basic information and resources about the healthy sleeping habits. If the patient is in the initial stage of the sleep disorder, then the doctor might advise for some non-medical treatments which could be sufficient to assuage the effect of sleep disorder.

Here are the Common Non-Medical Treatments Often Advised by Physicians

Relaxation Method, also known as progressive muscle relaxation technique, teaches the person to tense and relax different muscles of the body. This doesn’t only help in getting relief from minor muscle pain but also helps the body to get calm and induce sleep. The relaxation method also includes some meditation techniques and breathing exercises.


Stimulus Control Method is a way to build a bond between bedroom and sleep. Under this method, an insomnia patient is strictly told to not do certain activities in the bedroom.  An example of this method would be to have self-control and only head towards the bed when you are sleepy enough. Also, when a person goes to bed and if he/she fails to fall asleep in the next 20 minutes then the person shouldn’t stay on the bed anymore. This helps in developing an association of bed with sleep.


Scientifically Approved Medical Treatments for Insomnia


An escalated stage of insomnia can’t be treated easily with the non-medical treatment methods. In such case, a certified and clinically proven sleep aid comes into rescue. An ideal example of a medical treatment of insomnia is zopiclone. The nonbenzodiazepine drug “Zopiclone” is the approved by Food and Drug Association (FDA) for the treatment of a prevalent sleep disorder like insomnia. It is a generic oral drug which interacts with the receptors of the central nervous system and produces a calming effect in the brain and helps the user to fall asleep. Doctors usually prescribe a dose between 3.75 mg to 7.5 mg zopiclone pills, depending on the seriousness of the sleep disorder. People, who have been suffering from insomnia can buy zopiclone from a trusted online pharmacy and can initiate the treatment for quick results.

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